I Love You As You Are

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Summary :-: If you like in the mirror and don't like what you see, you can find out first hand what it's like to be

Warnings :-: Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)

Word Count :-: 1000

(This is for the lovely the-writers-pages who requested a insecure Steve and I hope this is what you wanted)

(I finally got to see the band who sing this song live last month and when they played this I literally didn't know I was crying until the lady next to me asked if I was okay. Chris sang it acoustic and alone and it was so beautiful, and the lights behind him were in the colours of the pride flag and it was so beautiful and I adore this song so much. Once again that's my photo at the top so please don't take it, thanks)

(GUYS I'VE GOT A NEW STONY BOOK UP AND IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME IF YOU COULD ALL GO AND CHECK IT OUT! The next chapter will be up either later today - when I come home from work - or the day after and it would mean the world to me if you would check it out, thanks guys!)


Steve looked in the mirror and frowned. He knew he looked like Captain America, the strong and well built man, he was the America dream man, ladies loved him, Tony loved him and so did his friends, and that was all he could ask for. But he didn't see that, yes, physically he saw it, but mentally he didn't.

He looked at himself and saw that small, scrawny, skinny, ill kid from Brooklyn back in the 20s. He saw his sunk in cheeks from lake of food, he saw his dull eyes that didn't sine at all. He didn't get any attention from anyone, he got picked on, bullied, push to the ground. He was hated back then, but now he was loved. He was loved by everyone... Everyone but himself.

"Hey, honey have you see my tie?" Tony asked as he walked into their bedroom, he was getting ready for a big event he needed to go to. He had just given thirteen hundred dollars to a children's hospital and was asked to do a talk there and meet some of the kids, and of course he went. He had always adored kids, and wanted to make sure they had a better childhood than he did. He didn't need to be there for another few hours, but Pepper wanted to meet with him to go over what he was going to say so he wouldn't mess anything up.

"In the closet on the left." Steve mumbled still looking at himself in the mirror, tears bubbling in his eyes as he looked harder and harder at himself.

"Thanks honey." Tony smiled and rushed to the walk in closet to grabbed the tie and walked to the mirror to do his best to put it on. He didn't even look at Steve until he heard a sniffing sound coming from behind in, and then he looked up in the mirror, tie still hung around his neck as he turned round.

"What' wrong?" Tony asked as he took a seat on the bed next to him, placing his hand on Steve's hand and grabbing it softly.

"What do you see in me?" Steve asked looking into Tony's eyes deeply.

"What do you mean?" Tony asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Why do you like me?!" Steve almost yelled with tears running down his cheeks.

"What do you mean 'why do I like you?' do you want me to make a list?" Tony asked, confusion still in his tone, and when he got no answer he began thinking off all the things he loves about Steve.

"Okay fine, better be sitting comfortably because this is a big ass list; I love your eyes and the way they shine so bright. I love the way you call me 'darling' or 'doll' when you want to get my attention. I love it when you cover me with a blanket when I fall asleep in my lab or workshop, or you carry me to bed when I'm drunk."

Steve sat there listening to everything Tony was saying, the tears that ran down his cheeks now drying up as he wiped them off with the back of his hand.

"I love the way you grab my hands and pull me close. I love the way you pull me close at night when you get to cold because according to you I'm a radiator." Tony didn't even have to think about what he was saying, everything came to naturally to him, because it was all true.

"I love the way you run your fingers through my hair and the way you run your fingers over my arms when I need calming down. I love the way you always kiss me and then you kiss my reactor because you want me to remember I'm okay, I'm breathing and I'm alive. I love the way you make me feel. When we go out and you grab my hand before we cross the street because you know I'll just walk out not even bothering to look."

"Okay, you can stop now." Steve smiled, his tears now fully dried up and a blush creeping up on his cheeks, but Tony just carried on.

"I love your strong arms that always seem to catch me when I'm falling. I love your cheeks when they go red when I give you a compliment. I love the way you sing in the shower, and then they way you dance in a towel in the bathroom."

Steve had no idea how to make the younger shut up so he grabbed his face and forced his lips on his and when he pulled back, the both of them were smiling brightly.

"And I love it when you do that." Tony whispered. "I love you as you are."

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