Snow Day (Superfamily)

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Summary :-: It's a snowy day in New York and Steve and Tony make the most of it with their three year old son Peter.
(Just normal Steve and Tony, no Iron Man, Captain America or Spider-Man)

Warnings :-: Fluffy stuff

Word Count :-: 1215

(Fan art at the top not mine, full credit to artist - if you know who it is feel free to let me know)

(oH MY GOD GUYS 10K PLUS READS!? THAT'S AMAZING! Thank you all so much! This really means the world to me)


It started last night, in the middle of the night, at the start of December, it began to snowing. Tony was cuddled up in Steve's chest, and Steve had his arms wrapped around the smaller male, keeping him safe form the world and showing him love.

Tony woke up at first, he felt a little colder than usual, and that confused him because he had a duvet and Steve wrapped around him and that's when he looked out the window and saw it all frosted over, the corner's all icy and snowy. He smiled a little to himself, he hadn't had time to enjoy snow since he was a child, and even it wasn't for long because his dad would get funny with him for some reason, but that was just him. He still liked the snow, and now he had a small family he could enjoy it with, or that was the plan.

He didn't want to wake Steve up yet because the two of them went to bed around three am after some late night internet Christmas shopping for Peter - it was hard to get him things without him knowing because he was at that age of understanding what was going on, but not yet smart enough to work out why, and Steve was and still is awful at telling lies so it was just easier this way. Tony knew he could function pretty well on three hours sleep but Steve couldn't, he could be a real moody grump when he hadn't had his sleep so Tony just cuddled further into him and soaked in all the warmth he could without getting out of bed and adjusting the heating box to make it warmer in their home.

After messing around on his phone and checking the emails of order conformation and order dispatcher, Steve began to wake up, his blue eyes clouded over with sleep before he blinked a few times and looked down to see Tony already awake on his phone.

"Morning darling." Steve spoke as he kissed the side of Tony's cheek.

"Morning honey." Tony spoke back as he locked his phone and put it back on the table next to the bed. "Have you seen outside?"

"No, why?"

"Go look." Tony spoke as he watched Steve turn his head behind him and then get out of bed, a smile on Tony's face as he looked at his perfectly formed body, the fact that the both of them only slept in boxers only gave Tony a better view of his body.

"Oh my god, there's snow!" He cheered with excitement, Steve feeling the same way Tony did.

"It's beautiful isn't it." Tony smiled as he stood in front of Steve, what with him being smaller it wouldn't have effected Steve's view of the snowy street. The streets were busy, and full of people all dressed in warm clothing because if it was cold enough to snow then you'd need to dress up warm as not to freeze.

"I can't wait to take Peter out in it." Steve spoke as he wrapped his arms around Tony's middle and kissed his coler bone.

It was around lunch time now and Peter was dressed in a hat, gloves and scarff to match his red and blue thermal overalls, and his feet were dressed in snow boots. He looked like a little Eskmo, and Tony couldn't help the wide smiled that grew over his face as he looked over to see Steve snapping a picture of him doing the zip up and Peter looking at him with a wide smile on his face.

"Dad, can I go play in the snow now? And Pops come too!" Peter cheered as his dad stood back up after zipping him up.

"Sure things squirt, we can go play now." Tony smiled as he put his coat on and Steve wrapped a scarf around his neck.

"Yeah, let's go kiddo." Steve spoke as they walked out the door, locking it and then all linking hands before walking to the park that was a few blocks away.

As they walked Peter kicked the snow from under his feet, pulling at Tony's hand and grumping a 'hurry up dad! I don't wanna miss the snow!'

Tony just brushed it off and kept his passe walking with Steve, the both of them talking about nothing much but to them it meant the world.

Once in the park, Tony brushed the snow of one of the seats so he and Steve could sit and watched Peter run around, tripping over a little every now and then as he couldn't see what was under his feet from the puffy scarf around his neck, but he just brushed himself off mumbling a small 'oh bother' before carrying on running around in the snow.

"He looks so cute playing in the snow." Steve smiled, but as he looked over he saw Tony wasn't sitting next to him. "Darling?" He called out, but suddenly felt something cold hitting the back of his head and then the sound of Tony and Peter giggling with each other.

"We better run before he gets us back." Tony whispered as he picked Peter off and ran to hid.

"Oh it's on!" Steve called out as he picked up a handful of snow and threw it across at his boyfriend, some of the snow hitting him in the face and soon a snowball war broke out between the two, Peter just running back and forth giggling and throwing snow at who ever he could.

Once the family tumbled back into their home, the three of them were soaking wet, cold and in need of some hot chocolate and a movie for them all to fall asleep too.

Steve had taken some photos of them three of them messing around, red noses, and rosy cheeks on the three of them, and the biggest smiled on their faces.

Once changed, Steve in his blue bunny onesie, Tony in his tigger onesie and Peter in his little Spider Man onesie, the three of them cuddled up on the coach, Tony and Steve with a hot chocolate, and Peter some warm milk, the Tv playing out Home Alone.

"I love you so much." Tony mumbled to Steve as he cuddled into his side feeling his eyes getting heavier with each second of the movie playing.

"I love you too, Darling, so much." Steve smiled and ran his fingers through his hair and felt him drifting off.

"And me! I love you both too!" Peter cheered as he climbed onto Steve's lap.

"And we both love you too kiddo." Steve kissed his cheek and then let the mini Spider-Man curl up and fall asleep just like his dad was.

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