Get Your Own Tony Stark, This One Is Taken!!

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Summary :-: It's Tony's birthday and for some unknown reason, Rhodey gets him a stripper and that doesn't sit well with Steve at all...

Warnings :-: Nothing much at all

Word Count :-: 1435

(Requested and dedicated to the extremely lovely StonyGramesLOver Happy birthday lovely, have a wonderful day and I hope this is just what you wanted)


Tony loved having parties, he would throw them for the most dumb reasons sometimes, but this time as he woke up on his birthday, lying in the arms of his lover, all he wanted was a night with his boyfriend and his closes friends. Birthdays had never meant anything more than a reason to get drunk for Tony, but this one he wanted to be special, and it would be, it would be one of the best days of his life, even if it had more rocky moments that he would ever imagine.

Steve felt Tony cuddling into him a little more meaning he was in the state of waking up but trying to stay sleeping longer. He loved Tony cuddling up to him first thing in the morning it always made his day a little bit brighter, even if the day had gone awful, at least the start was beautiful.

"Hey, doll face, happy birthday." Steve spoke as he kissed the top of his head and pulled him closer into his arms making them both feel nothing but warmth and safeness.

"Thanks, honey." Tony spoke back, his tone nothing more than a sleepy mumble but Steve heard it was clear as ever.

The rest of the morning was just filled with cuddles and love between the pare of hero's. Tony opened the gifts Steve had given him, ripping the paper to shreds and smiling at the picture frame he pulled out with a slightly awkward picture of the two of them, but it was one of Tony's favourite as it was their first date. The media had turned up and flashed a million and one cameras in their faces, and had managed to get one of Steve with his mouth half open about to chew the pasta on his fork and Tony spilling some wine down his chin - it was a mess but to them it was prefect.

Steve had also got him a replica Iron Man and Captain America figures that made Tony smile and he decided eh would put them on one of the shelves he had  in his bedroom with some other Iron Man memorabilia (are you even surprised he has these in his room?).

The rest of the day was just as night, Steve and Tony went out for breakfast and had some insanely good pancakes from this dinner a few blocks away, and then they took a walk together both just enjoying the moment and being as in love as two people could be.

"Today was lovely." Steve smiled as the both of them walked through the doors to the Avengers tower. As soon as J.A.R.V.I.S heard those words he knew he needed to let all the other Avengers Tony and Steve were back and they needed to get ready for the surprise.

The two love birds got in the elevator and took it to the lounge, Tony talking about something Steve didn't understand but he let the billionaire ramble about it as he knew it made him happy when Steve took an interest in his likes. As the doors open and Tony called for the lights to come on, he almost jumped out of his skin when he saw the whole team as well as his best friend Rhodey all standing there, behind a large banner that read HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY STANK! Red and gold balloons decorated the room as well as a large cake, matching the red and gold Iron Man theme that seemed on the table to the left of Natasha - she had to move there as Thor was getting closer and closer to taking a large bite of it the longer it took Steve and Tony to get back here - and next to the cake a small mound of presents in all different kinds of wrapping paper as well as a few cars.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TONY!" Yelled the Avengers all smiling as they looked at the happy and surprised look on the Tony's face as the smile that had already been plastered on his face for the enter day seemed to get a little wider.

"Did you do this?" Tony asked as he turned to look at the beaming Steve who also seemed to have a massive grin on his face as he looked at how happy his boyfriend.

"Last present, I promise." Steve smiled and pulled him in for a hug, kissing the top of his head.

"I love you so much." Tony smiled as he pulled Steve in for a short kiss.

The both of them then walked into the living room and began to mingle around with their friends, Tony opening some of the gifts he had been given, and thanking who ever it was from for what ever it was.

"Oh there's one more thing for the player king of New York!" Chimed in Rhodey as he looked at Tony with a glint in his eye and Tony instantly began to worry as he saw that look in his eyes. He'd seen it before and nothing good ever came from it.

"Rhods, no it's fine." Tony spoke but it was too late, the lights of the room began to dim and the elevator doors opened, smoke began flooding out the elevator, and out came a lady with long blond hair, her overly large breasts for her skinny frame pushed up to her chin in her rather slutty 'police officer' outfit.

"So I heard there's a birthday boy here who wants some fun." She spoke, her tone sticky sweet as he twisted a baton in her hand, obviously it wasn't a real one, and she definitely wasn't a police officer.

"Oh my god why did he get a stripper?" Natasha asked in almost disgust as the lady sent a wink her way.

"I have no idea but what ever comes from this won't be good." Bruce whispered back to her, looking away and only at Natasha.

Steve didn't know what to do. He looked at this 'girl' with one of the most hated looks anyone had ever seen, but she didn't seem to notice as she walked over to Tony and pushed him back so he fell on the couch behind him.

Tony had this look on his face, almost like a scared puppy, this was the last thing he wanted and he had no idea how to make this stop or what to even do! Why would Rhodey get him a stripper, or a lap dancer or what ever she was, his player days and strip joint days are way behind him, as soon as he started to feel things for his best friend, he stopped and with the help of Bruce and Natasha changed his ways and did all he could to be the best he could be.

"So, Mr. Stark, are you ready to get off?" She asked, as she started to dance, music began to play from J.A.R.V.I.S. Rhodey  having hooked it up. She smiled down at Tony who still looked just as uncomfortable as before, her hand reaching out to touch his cheek, but before her hand made contact with his cheek, something stopped her, and that something was a star spangled man with a plan.

"I'm sorry but get your own Tony Stark, this one is taken." Steve smiled and then asked her to leave in the nicest way he would when all he wanted to do was throw her out the front door, but he knew he would get in big trouble if he did that. "Rhodey, why on Earth would you get a stripper?"

"Yeah, Tony's in a relationship now." Natasha chimed in, feeling rather upset with the whole thing, if someone god Bruce a stripper for his birthday she would kick who ever's ass it was, regardless of the age or gender, she wasn't as polite as Steve is.

"It was just meant as a joke." Rhodey defended, feeling more sorry for himself. "Sorry, Tony."

"Yeah, okay." Tony replied, the feeling in the room now a lot awkward as the Avengers just sat there in silence.

"Well, I lost the game." Thor spoke causing everyone to groan at his comment, but smile and start to laugh once again as the party continued without a hitch this time.

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