As The World Falls Down (Part 2) (Smut)

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Summary :-: Part two of prom night, so this is the smut

Warnings :-: Smut - rimming, praise kink, Top!Steve, Bottom!Tony, shower sex/blow jobs

Word Count :-: 1385

(Sorry it's taken so long, but here you guys! Some good old smut)

(Credit to the very talented artist for the fan art),

(Okay, but like how good is Dark Shadows?! I haven't see it for ages and I forgot how much I loved it. If you haven't see it, then what are you doing with your lives? Tim Burton is a god)


Steve pushed Tony down on the bed, huge brown eyes looking up at him with innocents, his skin pale making him look a little like a doll. God, Steve thought as he watched the younger boy take his shirt off, he's so cute. The both of them had gotten their shirts off, and both had taken off their pants off, Steve now on top of Tony, kissing him with hunger an lust, Tony moaning underneath him, his already hard member growing, much like Steve's. The both of them began rubbing against each other, their hard members rubbing against the other causing them both to moan into the kiss.

Steve pulled away and began kissing down Tony's chest, his hand traveling down to rub his hand over Tony's member.

"Oh god Steve." Tony moaned as he felt his member growing to its full size, the sounds his was making causing Steve to follow.

"Fuck me." He whispered with wide innocent eyes.

"As you wish." Steve smiled seductive as he pulled his boxers and then Tony's boxers off, throwing them carelessly on the floor.

Steve kissed Tony hard and then bite his bottom lip, pulling it back as he looked him deep in the eyes. He then began kissing all down his neck, biting a little harder every one and again leaving a love bite to show Tony was his. He then began kissing down his chest and then to his member. He then flipped Tony over with ease and began rimming him, his hot wet tonged licking over Tony's exposed hole, causing the younger boy to shudder with pleasure.

"Oh god." He moaned, his face red and buried in a pillow.

"Like that doll?" Steve smiled and then went back to rimming him, his right hand reaching up and began pumping the younger boys member causing a shocked sound to erupt from the back of Tony's throat.

"D-Don't stop, oh g-god." Tony stuttered as moans broke up his words.

Steve stopped rimming him and flipped the boy back over and looked at him with a dopy grin.

"Open wide." Steve spoke as he placed to fingers in Tony's open mouth, the boy swirling his tonged over them, coating the two fingers in as much saliva as he possibly could. "Good boy." He smiled as he removed them from his mouth, a line of saliva connecting them for a few seconds before it broke and dripped down Tony's chin. "Aren't we a messy boy." Steve grinned as he lifted one of Tony's legs and put it over his shoulder once again exposing his hole.

Steve held eye contact with the younger boy as he stuck one of his fingers inside of his, Tony letting a 'humf' out as he felt Steve inside him. Steve leaned down and kissed him as he added a second and began moving them around, stretching him out and scissoring inside of him to prep him for himself.

"I-I'm ready." Tony whispered as Steve pulled both his fingers out and began pumping himself with the slick from Tony and the saliva that was still on his fingers. Once he felt he was lubed enough he lined himself up with Tony and began pushing in, his tip just about him before Tony let out a slight cry.

Steve leaned down and kissed the younger, as if it say it's okay, as he pushed further in, a few tears springing into Tony's closed eyes. Once Steve was all the way in, he pulled his lips away from the younger boy and rocked his hips a little to get Tony used to the size inside of him.

"You-You can move." Tony smiled as he wiped the tears away.

"Alright doll." Steve spoke and then began moving himself in and out at a slow pass to make sure Tony was fully okay with it. As a jumble of moans and 'oh god's passed the younger boys lips he took that as it's okay to go faster, so he began moving in and out quicker, his hand holding onto Tony's outstretched leg as he slammed in and out of Tony, hitting his prostate each time causing the younger boy to whimper and wither at the pleasure that overtook him.

"Oh god, yes, right there, right there." Tony moaned as he began pumping his member, a fuzzy, funny feeling bubbling inside of his stomach. "I-I wanna-gonna, gonna cum." Tony spoke, slipping and tripping over his words.

"Cum for me doll." Steve spoke as he himself felt close to his climax.

"S-St-Steve, fu-fuck-k, I-I-m-m cu-cum-ing." Tony then shot his load over his chest as it ran down his member and down his hand.

"Fuck Tony, you feel so good." Steve spoke as he leaned down and licked up the cum of Tony's chest and then spat it back in Tony's mouth, Tony pulling a strange face. "Taste yourself." He whispered as he felt himself getting closer.

"Ah, fuck doll." Steve moaned as he shot his load deep inside of Tony. Steve kept thrusting for a few extra seconds before he pulled out, white cum leaking from Tony's widened hole. Steve ran his fingers over the cum that had fallen out and placed those two fingers inside of Tony's mouth and once again demanded the younger suck.

"You taste better." Tony laughed a little as he sat up, wincing a little as more cum dripping down the back of his leg, but he didn't care.

"I love you so much." Steve smiled and leaned down and kissed the younger boy.

"I love you too, now I'm gonna take shower if you wanna join me for round two." He winked.

"Of course." Steve smiled and followed Tony to the bathroom, where he turned the knob to turn the shower on and stepped in and let the warm water wash over himself.

As the both of them were now in the shower, and dripping wet, Tony turned round and leaned up and kissed Steve, his hand traveling down from his neck, to his chest, to his member, and began pumping it slightly.

Steve moaned into the kiss as Tony ran his wet hand up and down his member before he pulled back from the kiss and sunk to his knees, all the while looking up at Steve with wide, innocent eyes.

"God you're so beautiful." Steve smiled as he ran his hand though Tony's wet hair. Tony smiled at him and then opened his mouth and too the tip of Steve's member, his tongue swirling over the tip, as his other hand held onto his leg for support as the other massaged his ball sack.

"Oh god, yes, like that doll." Steve moaned as Tony began taking more and more of his member in his mouth, soon all off him being in his mouth. It took all of Tony's will power not to gag as the tip reached down the back of his throat. Steve was big, there was no question about it.

As Tony began to bob his head faster and faster, he began pumping himself as he went along as he felt himself getting closer to coming from praise he was resaving from Steve.

"Oh god, doll, I'm-I'm gonna cume." He moaned and then shot his load down Tony's throat, the younger boy coming not long after.

Steve and Tony then finished their shower, and changed the sheets on the bed before the both of them climbed in, Steve wrapping his arms around Tony's waist and placing his head on his shoulder.

"Night, darling." Steve whispered, planting a loft kiss on Tony's head.

"Night, honey." Tony whispered back as he smuggled further into the bed.

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