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Summary :-: Tony is a small guy, so when he needs help getting something a little high up he calls for Steve

Warnings :-: Nothing at all

Word Count :-: 417

(Hey guys, I've got a Wolfstar one shot published and it would mean the world to me if y'all when and gave it a read, vote or comment, hell you can do all three of you want. If would just mean the word if y'all did 💚)


Tony walked into the kitchen in search of food. It was getting late in the day, he hasn't slept and before he passed out asleep he knew he should eat something, and right now old pizza that was left in the fridge didn't seem that appealing, the fact he had been there for the past week being the main reason. All the Avengers part from himself and Steve were off on some mission.

Tony opened the cupboard and saw a pack of cookie at the top and stood on his tip toes, but still couldn't reach them.

"Honey? Would you come here and help me?" Tony called out to Steve who was sat doodling in the living room, his back facing him as he looked out the window with the TV on playing Judge Judy quietly to fill in the silence.

"Coming darling." Steve called as he stopped what he was doing and went to the kitchen.

Steve got down on his kneeds so he was a lot shorter and then Tony stepped over him so he would be placed on his shoulders, then with no effort at all Steve stood up causing Tony to wobble a little until he grabbed hold of the shelf. He then reached the top shelf with ease and grabbed the cookies and Steve got back down on his knees so Tony could get down.

Steve smiled as he watched the small male open the packed of Chips Ahoy and offer him one of the cookies filled with rainbow candy.

"Thank doll face." Steve smiled, his Brooklyn accent coming through when ever he would call him 'doll' or 'doll face'.

Tony smiled and kissed his cheek and walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch and turned to Judge Judy.

Steve soon followed him as he wanted another cookie and sat down watching Tv with him, and not even ten minutes later the shorter male had fallen asleep, half a cookie in his hand as he cuddled more and more into Steve side.

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