'Cause The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You

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Summary :-: "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Mr Stark-Rogers, but you have stage two stomach cancer." Those words what tore Steve and Tony's word apart.

Warnings :-: Major character death

Word Count :-: 1860

(Cancer is a massive shit show, it's awful, it's a bitch, an actual cunt, a fucking vile thing to have and I just want everyone to know who's reading this, if you yourself, your friend, or a family member are suffering with this I'm always here to talk if you need to vent, or just have a cry with someone, my DMs are open for anyone and everyone no matter what time it is)

(The fanart at the top broke me. Credit to the wonderfully talented artist)


Tony woke up and felt awful. His stomach felt like it was burning, as if someone was stabbing him from the inside and all he wanted to do was cry in pain and vomit the Chines he and Steve had had last night, and with the thought of throwing up he got out of bed, pushing Steve's strong arms of his body and ran to the bathroom down the hall, trying to be as quick and as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake his son Peter up and Dogger who always sleeps in Peter's room.

Once in the bathroom, he shut the door - not locking it - and lifted the lid up and threw the content of his stomach into the toilet bowl, the sting of the aid hitting the back of his throat, the pain of the heaving running though his body as tears began to run down his face as he vomited more and more, with each heave it made the pain in his stomach feel worse.

Dogger heard an unfamiliar sound coming form the bathroom so being the curios dog he was he went to see what it was and when he saw one of his owners in distress he ran to their room and began pawing and barking at Steve to get him up to check on Tony. He was a smart dog, no one could deny that.

"Alright, buddy, calm down, calm down." Steve spoke as he felt his eyes opening at the loud barking coming from the side of his head giving him a headache. "Morning, Tons." He spoke as he reached over to the other side of the bed but frowned when he felt nothing but the mattress under his hand. "Darling?" He called out and then he heard a heavy heaving sound coming from the bathroom and as if it was instinct he ran to the bathroom and knelt down next to Tony and rubbed his back as he threw up.

Once Tony was done he wiped his mouth with some toilet roll and flushed the bile and vomit away and leaned back into Steve's arms, with a sweaty forehead and a burning throat. He hated being sick, he hated being ill, it made him fell weak and useless.

"I'm guessing you don't wanna go to work then." Steve spoke trying to make a little joke out of this as he knew how much Tony had being sick like this, even getting a cold was something Tony hated. 

"Thanks." He mumbled as he closed his eyes once again and let his breathing become normal again, all the while Steve running his fingers through the messy brown curls that sat atop Tony's head.

Once Tony's breathing was back to normal, his head hurting a little and his throat, itchy and dry, Steve picked him up and took him back to their bed.

"I'll get you some tea and I'll get, Peet, ready for school and take, Dogger out." He smiled and tucked him back into bed and kiss him on the cheek

"But you have work today? You'll be late if you have to do all this, I can do it." Tony spoke as he cuddled up to the pillow a little.

"No, doll, you're sick, I'll call in and tell them something came up and I'll call in your work and tell them you're ill." he spoke, his tone soft and caring as he sat next to Tony and stroked his hair, something he always did to calm Tony down.

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