Just Like Cinderella (AU)

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Summary :-:  Based off the Disney version of Cinderella but with a couple differences 

Warning :-: Cinderella spoilers although I'd imagine everyone knows the story by now, if you don't I apologize for the spoilers

Word Count :-: 6563 This was so much longer than I had plant it to be so my apologies if long stories aren't your thing

(Fan art by mushroomhobbit via Tumblr)


Tony woke up before everyone else as he usually does and got out of bed, after changing into some old, dirty and ripped clothing and went down to the kitchen to make so breakfast for his step mother and his two step sisters. Ever since his farther had died, he was turned into what he would call nothing less than a servant - you could even go so far as to say slave - to his once happy family in his once beautiful home that now just seemed empty and cold without his farther being here.

As he cooked - something he was never good at but he had to learn to do in order to stay, so he was now actually pretty good - he set the stove to simmer and went to feed his Boxer dog who was still sleeping, but that ins't surprising. He gets more sleep then everyone in the house combined.

"Hey, hey, Buck, Bucky wake up." Tony spoke as he petted his head, a smile on his face as he saw the dog waking up. "Aha, hey Bucky, I got some food for ya." Tony smiled as he got a can of dog food and poured it into a bowl of dog biscuits, and then mixed the meat in with it and then put it down next to his half empty bowl of water, making a mental not to refill it later.

"Ruff!" Bucky barked and then walked over to his food.

"You're welcome big guy." Tony smiled and went back to the now cooked breakfast he was making for his so called family. He turned the heat off and began to poor the porridge/oatmeal into the bowls on the three trays, and then put a pot of tea on them with a small jug of milk and then a pot of sugar and two spoon, on larger on for the food, and a smaller one for the sugar and to mix the tea. Once everything was on the tray he put on on his forearm and then the other to on his hands and carefully made his way out the kitchen and up the beautiful marble staircases.

Once at the top he knocked on his first step sisters door with his foot, but knowing she would still be asleep he pushed the door open with his foot and placed the tray in his left hand on her bedside table and then left the room and went to his other sisters room and did the same thing again.

His step sisters names are Lilly and Rose, two very beautiful flowers for two not very beautiful girls.  The both of them have hair in a light brown shade, that was usually tied up in a pony tail and when it wasn't it came down to the middle of their spines, the ends spilt and it always looks very scraggy and washed out. Rose had brown eyes that looked like puddles of mud, skinny lips and a nose that had a large bump in it and was a little big for her face. She got the bump when she broke it from banging it on the kitchen floor after Tony had just moped, of course he got the blame for that. But despite her off-facial features, they all seemed to work on her slightly plump face with her chubby cheeks. Lilly had eyes that are a dull blue, much like the sky on a grey, cloudy and rainy day, her eyes looked like that.  Lilly had a much longer face and had a nose much like her sisters, but she didn't have a bump from falling over, and she had lips that looked a little bigger, but still pretty skinny. 

Now all that was left was to give his step mother her breakfast and then clean the house, as usual.

He knocked on the door with his hand this time as he only had on try left and waited for a come in as he knew she would be awake. She always is when he finishes cooking breakfast. It's like she can smell it, like a blood hound.

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