A Superfamily Christmas

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Summary :-: A Superfamily Christmas one shot

Warnings :-: Just fluff

Word Count :-: 700

(I'm sorry it's so short, and that this was supposed to be posted yesterday because that was Chrismas day, but despite the lateness and the lack of updates I hope you all had/are having a wonderful Christmas and a fabulous holiday)


Peter Stark - Rogers awoke with a smile on his face as he kicked something hard at the bottom of his bed. He then got out of bed and saw a bright red, large sock overflowing with gifts sitting at the bottom of his bed and he couldn't stop the even bigger smile breaking out on his face.

It was his fith Christmas with his dad Tony and his second with his new Pop Steve, and he couldn't be happier with his little family. He was still only five so he didn't understand why he had two dads and not a dad and a mum like all the other kids at his school, but he didn't care because they loved him and he loved them and that's all that mattered.

Peter jumped out of bed with his stocking in his hand and ran across the hall to his dad's room were he pushed the door open and saw them both still asleep, Tony cuddled into Steve's chest, Steve with his arms strongly, and protectively around Tony. 

"Dad! Pops! Wake up it's Christmas!" Peter yelled as he got on the bed and began jumping one of half of the bed neither of them were lying in. "Daaaaaaaad! Wake up!"

"Hey, Peter." Spoke Steve as he stretched his arms out.

"Morning Pops! Why won't dad wake up?! I wanna open presents and I can't without him!"

"Maybe we should tickle him." Steve said with an evil glint in his eye and he saw a smile break out on Peter's face.


"Alright, three, two... One." Steve spoke and then the two of then began tickling Tony awake, the younger waking up instantly and yelling a 'I'm up! I'm up! Stop!' causing Peter to fall back on his back laughing and Steve dealing with a pouting Tony.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry." Steve spoke and gave him a kiss on the cheek to stop him pouting, and it worked, a smile broke out across his face and he left a small laugh pass his lips.

"Dad, can I open my presents now?" Peter asked, a smile on his face and he reached his hand into his stoking, pulling out a funny shaped present.

"Sure thing squirt." Tony smiled and then watched the boy ripping open the perfectly wrapped gifts and cheering at the sight of the chocolate that felt out from the paper.

Once Peter had finished opening the small gifts he got in his stoking, that mainly being chocolate and other sweets, is main presents were under the tree, along with a few things from Tony to Steve, and Steve to Tony. After the three of them got out of Steve and Tony's bed, they made their way downstairs and Peter couldn't stop the huge smile and yelp of excitement that broke out as he ran over to the boxers wrapped in brightly colours paper and began opening them, Steve going to the kitchen to make some coffee as Tony sat with Peter and watched him opening present after present looking at all the new toys he had, some from the shops, some Tony had made himself in his workshop in the garage attached to the house - it was a big house with a big garage so there was enough room for a car and all Tony's tools he had been collecting since he was fifteen.

Steve soon joined the present opening marathon, sipping at his coffee as he handed on to Tony who took it with a smile and cuddled into his side letting the coffee wake him up as he smiled at the happy, bubbly Peter opening present after present, his smile never leaving his face. It was more than adorable, it was so precious that Steve and Tony both new this would be one of the many memories they would remember for the rest of their lives.

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