Video Games

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Summary :-: Heaven is a place on earth with you...

Warnings :-: Fluff! Nothing else

Word Count :-: 615


Steve woke up before Tony, like he did most mornings, and like he does most mornings he just looked down at the sleeping beauty next to him, and smiled, not a creepy kind of smile, just a smile filled with love and happiness.

Staring with his face, his beautiful face with sparkling brown eyes that shone in the dark like little stars had made their home in them. As he lay there asleep, his long eyelashes resting peaceful on his pale cheeks. His face clean and like psoralen, his facial hair cut and styled just how he liked it, it was slightly ruff when it would graze Steve's chin, but he didn't mind - it was Tony after all. His hair always fell over his forehead first thing in the morning, his messy bed hair still looking like perfection. Steve brushed one of the longer strands away from his closed eyes and lay back down pulling Tony closer to him to him and let the smaller man cuddle into his chest.

As they lay there Steve began to trace his fingers over the knot of scars all moulded over the one thing keeping Tony alive. Proof that he has a heart. Steve loved the blue glow of the arc in Tony's chest, the light letting him know Tony was still here and breathing with him. the blue light that shone constantly keeping his fear of the dark at bay. His chest had more than just that one scare, from different battles and fights he had gotten a lot more, but Steve loved each and everyone of them, showing Tony he was beautiful no matter what.

Steve felt like heaven is a place on Earth with Tony.

Tony would often go and work in his lab, and Steve would leave him to it, not wanting to be a bother, so he would sit in their room and wait for him to be finished, and even though he was only a few flaws under him he still missed him, he wanted to scream from the top of his lungs how much he loved him, how much he missed him and wished he was here.

He'd never felt like this before. And with Tony he loved the feeling.

The feeling of falling in love.

With Tony it was less scary and he made him feel safe.

With Tony Steve was safe.

Tony looked at Steve as he fell asleep before he did and smiled at him, Steve always fell asleep first. As he did, Tony could cuddle more into his side, wrapping his arms around Steve and pulling his chest closer to his, placing his head in the crook of his neck and leaving soft kisses that would make Steve 'hum' in his sleep as if he was saying thank you. Then he would lay down and fall asleep with his favourite man next to him.

Steve had the most stunning blue eyes Tony had ever seen, he could get so lost in them he would forget what he wanted to say, he was so damn in love with him it hurt him. It was hard to be away from him. When Tony would have to go and work in the lab he held back tears the whole time he was there because he just wanted Steve next to him.

Tony had never been big on feelings, but Steve was different, he was big and stong and kept him safe.

The feeling of falling in love

With Steve it was less scary and he made him feel safe.

With Steve Tony was safe.

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