A Good Time (Smut)

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Summary :-: Smut there's literally nothing else

Warnings :-: Smut smut smut 

Word Count :-: 1075

(Hey yo peeps look I'm not dead! Sorry it's been so long, no motivation, new things happening, cutting toxic people out I'm sure you all know that lovely stuff so I haven't really had anytime to update but here you guys so, some out of the blue smut cause I know ya'll love it)


Steve flicked the light on as he pushed Tony up against the wall, the room illuminating as the two of them reattached their lips together, lips being pulled back and bitten and tongue invading each other's mouths, everything filled with heat, the romance that filled the two teenage boys as they had their weekly date night gone and filled with lust.

Tony hands ran up and down Steve's back, slipping his hands under his shirt and feeling the hot skin under his fingertips, Steve grabbing Tony's thighs and lifting him up, the smaller boy wrapping his legs around Steve's waist as the taller placed his hands under his ass and gripped him tightly, sending a harsh slap to the left side causing Tony to moan into Steve's mouth. The vibrations running all through them and making their members grown just a little more, both now with a semi in their pants.

"God you're so hot." Steve spoke, his voice deep and seductive making Tony groan in response and lean back down and bit his neck, licking and pulling at the skin, causing Steve to groan back at him.

"So are you." Tony spoke back and the next thing he knew he was being walked across the room and to the bed they had in their small studio apartment, his body colliding with the bed.

Steve began crawling over Tony, kissing up his stomach as he did, making Tony's thighs shake as he rubbed his large hand over them, and then pumping his member for a few seconds before going back to rubbing his thigh. Steve knew just how to drive Tony wiled and Tony loved every second of it. 

"So, doll face, how do you wanna do this?" Steve asked and he pulled Tony's jeans down, his boxers coming along with them.

"I wanna try something new." Tony spoke, flipping Steve over so he was now lying on the bed.

Steve looked a little taken aback, he knew Tony wasn't dominating when it came to being in bed, the boy liked to be fucked not do the fucking, so Steve couldn't even imagine what he had in mind for tonight, but he was excited to know.

Tony began to take Steve's pants off, pulling them off and leaving the taller man in nothing but a shirt, then was soon off leaving Steve lying there naked, some faded love bits form the other day still scattered on his chest. Tony then took his shirt off and got on the bed, looking down as Steve as he looked up at him with his beautiful ocean eyes.

And then without a word being spoke Tony went down on Steve, he started off pumping him, slowly to make sure he was okay with this and then after he got a few gruff grunts from him, he placed his lips over the tip, licking the tip to start off with before he took more and more in his mouth until he was trying to hold back a gag.

"Oh god, Tony." Steve moaned, the gruff grunts getting a little higher making Tony smile as he went further down, the tip of Steve hitting the back of his throat, a gag couldn't help but pass his lips but as he heard Steve groan again he knew it was fine.

Steve and Tony had never been one for using protection - the both of them had been checked and are clean so there wasn't much of a need for them - so Tony didn't need to stop and grab one. Tony then sat on Steve's chest and began thrusting his hips back and froth over Steve's member making the taller moan.

"Oh god, yeah babe that's so good." Steve spoke as he grabbed hold of Tony's hips, and then pulled his down to give him a kiss.

"I wanna ride you." Tony whispered when they pulled back form the kiss, and before Steve could say anything he felt Tony shoving three fingers in his mouth.

Once they were coated in enough saliva, Tony took his fingers out and took a deep breath before pushing one into himself, and then not longer after he added the second on, Steve watching in amazement as he watched the smaller getting a little sweaty as he fingered himself ready to fuck himself.

"God, baby doll, you really are a sight." Steve commented as he watched Tony pulled his fingers out and then line himself up with Steve. 

"You want me to fuck myself on you?" Tony asked and all he got was a nod back from Steve, so he lowered himself onto his fully erect member and slowly he was fully inside of him.

"Oh god." Tony whispered more to himself than anyone else, and then he started to bounce up and down. He stated off slow, but he got progressively faster he wanted to feel more pleasure.

"Fuck yeah, oh god." Steve moaned as Tony grabbed the head bored to stop it from slamming against the wall. 

Steve let his hands roam around Tony's boy, slapping his ass as he did so making the older boy moan and move faster. Kisses were shared, but non of them romantic, sloppy French kisses and love bits being shared between the two lovers.

"I love you so much." Steve spoke as he felt himself becoming closer by the second.

"I love you too." Tony answered. "Are you close?"

"Yeah baby, fuck I'm gonna cum in you." Steve moan, his hand now pumping Tony faster and faster in a rhythm with Tony's jumping on his member.

"Oh shit yeah, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuck." Steve moaned as he came deep inside of Tony, the older now falling onto Steve's chest, both sweaty and trying to catch their breaths.

"I love you so much." Tony whispered as he pulled Steve out of him and took a seat on the bed.

"I love you too, baby doll, so much." Steve spoke and they shared a kiss before cleaning themselves up and going to bed.

" Steve spoke and they shared a kiss before cleaning themselves up and going to bed

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