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Summary :-: No, I'm gonna gonna hug you so tight all your broken pieces will be glued back together

Warnings :-: Self hatred, kind of self harm but not really but kind of is?

Word Count :-: 1247


Tony looked in the mirror and frowned at what looked back at him. Dark bags under his eyes, pale skin, all in all he looked like shit and he felt just as bad as he looked. His hair was a mess, and not in the sexy bed hair sex way, it was a mess from not being washed in over three weeks. He stank of sweat and whisky from drinking and not showering as he stayed in his work shop. He hardly slept and had eaten like a bird for just as long, he only ate when Steve would bring him something down, but as he listened to Steve try and talk to him he wouldn't answer, he tuned his voice out so he wouldn't here the pain and sorrow that would fill his tone as he looked at him. Tony refused to see how he was effecting Steve, and he refused to listen to him when he tried to make him leave.

Steve watched as his engineer looked at a screen J.A.R.V.I.S had put up and watched as he scanned over things and threw things in the bin, he didn't understand any of it, and he wanted to, he really did, but it was just so strange and if he looking at it for too long made him feel sick, so Steve left the work shop whispering an I love you to Tony before he left.

Tony had left the work shop on the third week. Steve was out with the rest of the team, Fury had demanded they come to headquarters to take a look at the newest task report or something like that, Tony only heard snapshots of what Steve was saying, he was too busy with the soldering iron in his hand and the piece of metal he was working on. Steve still had no idea what Tony was working on, it was probably another suit, because he clearly needed more than the hundreds he seemed to already have. But Steve left along with everyone else and that's when Tony dragged himself out of the lab.

J.A.R.V.I.S had shut everything down after he overriding the system so Tony was forced to leave, despite Tony having made him, he had a mind of his own. So Tony left and was now in his room looking in the mirror with tears in his eyes, and a frown on his face.

He hated himself. His cocky mouth that always got him in trouble, with his team, with Steve, with Fury. The way he drunk too much, he must have the worlds strongest liver by now, or one that would give out with the next shot. He was a messed up person, a nightmare fuelled, self loathing, self distractive person. He just needed his broken pieces to get put back together.

Tony had no idea what came over him but with a hard bang on the mirror he smashed the glass, letting the broken glass fall to the floor, some having drops of blood on them as the glass sliced though his hand, but he didn't care - that was the self distractive part of him. He let the glass slice his hand up and let the blood fall as a choked sob passed his lips before his knees gave out and he felt his chest burning as panic over took him. Breathing at best was a little hard for Tony because of his arc reactor, so quick breaths like this felt like a million daggers cutting though his lungs. His knees began to drip blood as the black skinny jeans he had on, now ripped at the knee and on his shin from the glass. Soon a small river of blood oozed out of his body, but Tony didn't move, he just sat there clutching his chest trying to remember what Pepper had taught him when he would get like this. Just to breath and think of a happy time.

"Captain Rogers, It's my understanding that, Sir, is in trouble and in need of some assistance." Came the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S, the sudden voice causing Steve to jump and cause the line he was drawing of the building he was sketching to appear wonky. They had got back an hour ago and Steve had gone to his room to calm down.

"Dammit, J, you gave me a heart attack." Steve spoke as he placed his hand over his heart.

"My apologies, Captain, but it would appear Sir needs you." He spoke once again.

"Alright." Steve mumbled as he put his drawing down and then rushed to Tony's floor. He knew J.A.R.V.I.S wouldn't have called him if it wasn't serious. As the elevator took him up he let his mind wonder to what was wrong with him, and as the doors opened and Steve saw him kneeling on the floor, head in his hands, glass all around him, he couldn't stop the panic that caused through him.

"Tony? Oh my god, darling, come here." Steve spoke, his voice laced with panic but he tried to hide it. He watched as Tony looked up at his with tears in his eyes as he took baby steps over to him.

"Darling, that's it, just breath, in and out. Deep and try to not think of the pain and think of me. That's it." Steve spoke as Tony was now withing touching distance of him and soon his legs gave way and he crashed into Steve's body and almost knocked him over, but he managed to keep them both up right. "Come on, I'll take you to my room and sort you out." Steve spoke as he picked the younger boy up and then waked back to his floor.

He placed Tony, softly down on the bed and then went to get the first aid kit to patch Tony up. As Steve cleaned the blood away with some antibacterial wipes and picking out the small shards of glass that was stuck in the cuts, Tony let silent tears run down his face.

Once all cleaned up Steve wrapped them up in bandages, Tony now having no pants on as Steve had to remove then to patch his knees up - but he had boxers on so it was fine - Steve got up and handed him some sweat pants he had in his room. They wouldn't fit Tony, Steve knew that but they wouldn't be uncomfortable if he placed them over the cut up knees. Once Tony had dressed himself Steve took a seat next to him and placed his hand on top of his.

"I wish you would love yourself." He spoke softly.

"What's to love?" Tony asked, Steve sighed and then took a deep breath, turning to look at Tony, placing two fingers under his chin to lift it up so he had to look at him.

"You are everything to me." Steve spoke and then wrapped his arms around Tony and hugged him. After a few seconds Tony went to pull back but couldn't move.

"Steve, you can let go now." Tony mumbled as he tried to pull back, but he just felt Steve's grip get tighter.

"No, I'm going to hug you tight enough to let all your broken pieces get stuck back together." 

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