'You are my sunshine...'

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Summary :-: The last dance Steve and Tony will ever have

Warnings :-: ! INFINITY WAR SPOILERS ! Character death, and many feels

Word Count :-: 1480

(Also, I've started writing an actual Stony fic, like one with chapter and everything! If I published it would you guys be interest in reading it? Let me know with a comment or something, thanks!)


The world was dark, everything had gone wrong, Thanos had won. The list of the dead was endless. Families had gone, friends had vanished, the Avengers couldn't do anything to stop him, or the rest of the damage that came after.

Thor had lost Loki and his new Guardian's family was gone, it was just him and Rocket - or Rabbit as Thor called him -now. He had no idea what he was going to do now, he had lost more than ever thought he could.

Tony and Nebula were stuck in space, and he had lost everything. His worst fear came to life, he watched his friend die in front of him, and it was all his fault. Peter was gone and thinking of the look the boy have him broke his heart over and over again. Tony needed to get back to Earth and see who was left, he needed to know Steve was still alive, he couldn't live with himself if he and Steve never made up. He needed the blond man in his life more than he had ever needed him before.

Steve had lost his best friend again after he just came back, he had lost so much in his long life, and right now, looking at the stop were Bucky once lay he knew he needed to find Tony, he had lost so any friends today, and he knew he needed Tony as much as the younger male would be needing him.

So, he set about traveling back to NYC to the Avengers tower to see if he was there, or if Pepper was there and knew where he could be. So, he left Wakanda and flew to New York, praying Tony was there, or someone could tell him were he was.

Steve had gone back to the tower to try to find something - anything - to help them in this battle they were losing. The remaining residents of NYC were in disperse and filled with hatred towards them as they failed to keep them safe, and Steve couldn't blame them, because right now no one hated him more than himself. He let everyone down, he lost everyone, and everything he has ever cared about.

He took the elevator up to Tony's floor in the tower and once at the top walked in to the place he had once called home, where he and Tony had spent many a night watching sappy films and falling in love. He looked at the messy bed and the picture frames with dust over them. Steve could feel tears bubbling in his eyes as he looked at the bed and pictured Tony in it, he wanted to scream for him to come home. He walked over to the bed and collapsed onto the soft sheets and pulled them up to his chin and cried into them. Right now he wasn't a Captain, he was just a skinny kid from Brooklyn who a guy took a chance on.

"God, Tony, please tell me I haven't lost you as well." He spoke through broken sobs as he cried himself to sleep, a sleep that wasn't filled with anything but darkness and regret.

It was around three in the morning and Steve awoke to a crashing sound coming from outside the tower, as if a car had ran into the walls he was huddled up in. With slight panic, he got out of Tony's bed and ran to the window and looked down and saw what looked like Alien technology, but a small man seemed to get out of the craft, and then walk into the tower.

Steve panicked a little and grabbed his shield that had been hanging on Tony's wall, if he wasn't so caught up in trying to see who was breaking in he probably would have cried at the thought of a broken Tony Stark hanging his shield up on the wall after he almost beat him to death and threw it back at him. God, he really was a terrible person, no wonder most of the world was out for the Avengers.

As he crept into the living room he saw the person behind the bar with a drink in his hand and his shoulder shaking a little, as if he was silently sobbing to themselves as they lifted the glass to their lips.

"What do you want?" Steve spoke in his deeper Captain America voice causing the person to jump ad drop the glass on the floor, the whisky that was in it falling to the floor.

"S-S-Steve?" Came a stuttering voice that Steve would know anywhere.

"Tony." Steve whispered and dropped his shield and ran to the man, Tony doing the same thing, the both of them meeting in the middle of the room and wrapping their arms around each other, Tony lifting his legs and jumping into Steve's arms, wrapping them around his waits. Steve span the two of them round, Tony crying into his shoulder as a mix of emotions running through him. He was angry because he left, he was so hurt he had gone, he was sad because he missed him, he was scared what would happen now, and he felt loved. He was in the arms of his love and he missed that, and that was the main reason he was crying.

"I missed you so much, I-I hate myself for-for everything-thing I-I've done." Steve spoke as he stopped spinning and looked Tony in the eye for the first time.

"I hate you for that too." Tony spoke, more tears falling form his eyes, Steve also with tears running down his cheeks. "But-But right now I-I don't care. I-I need you." He spoke and then leaned down and placed his lips on Steve's, Steve responding intently and stated kissing back as soon as Tony placed his soft lips on his.

"I hate that I still love you." Tony whispered when he pulled back from the kiss.

"And I hate me, but I still love you." Steve whispered back and squeezed Tony so hard he thought he might stop breathing.

Tony and Steve looked at the damage that was done to the city and the both of them knew nothing could be done to stop it. There wasn't enough time in the world to make this already damaged city herself once again.

Trash littered the streets, store windows broken, banks robbed, graffiti on everything that was visible. Once beautiful shops looked ruined and torn down, posters had been ripped everywhere, so paper flew through the air. This looked like the beginning of the end.

As they walked the streets hand in hand it wasn't any surprise then they saw people running around them, running away from the gunshot that filled they air. But neither Steve nor Tony cared, Thanos had taken everything from them, they had nothing but each other now, and that was all that mattered to them.

"Dance with me?" Steve asked as they walked through the park. Tony nodded and got into a ballroom dancing stands with Steve, and the both began to sway to the dull sound of nothing.

"You are my sunshine...." Steve began singing as he and Tony swayed back and forth, the sound of people running being shut out, the sound of bullets being drowned out. Nothing right now, but the two of the mattered.

"My only sunshine..." Tony joined in, his voice shaking as his whispered the lyrics

"You make me happy when skies are grey..." Steve spoke with as much of a smile on his face as he could muster up. He knew this would be the end of him and Tony, and he knew he was selfish to stop them to dance here, but he knew he was going to die, an he wanted to die with the only man he has ever loved like this.

"You never know, dear, how much I love you..." He carried on, Tony whispering a small 'I love you' as Steve sung. And then it happened. The gang of people who wre firing bullets - the reason still unknown - ran through the part and saw Steve and Tony, some of them stopping to take aim.

"Please don't take my sunshine away..." Tony spoke as a bullet his him in the back of the head and sent him tumbling down and crashing into Steve, then a bullet hitting Steve in the chest, killing him almost instantly.

Please don't take my sunshine away

Please don't take my sunshine away

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