Coffee Shops and Flower Stores

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Summary :-: Tony is a drama student works in a flower shop and Steve is the owner of a coffee shop 

Warnings :-: Age gaps, innocent!Tony

Word Count :-: 2785

(I've got to stop making aesthetics for each chapter but I love it so much)

(This is something so different, I've never written anything like this before, but I love it so much! Like, I'm so proud of this and I really hope you all like it as much as I do, and hey, if you do I might do more like this)

(Photo's used through are not mine, I found them on Google so credit to the sights I got them off)


New York is filled with people. People running to work, catching a bus, eating food, drinking coffee, it was hard to find a place without with out at least one person being there. It was also loud, sirens ringing, people talking, people yelling, cars rushing around the place, building being made up, kids crying, kids laughing, it was crazy. It was also very bright, there was street lights shinning through the night, building lights always on, car headlights, and the beating sun. 

New York was a very busy place and it was extremely hard to fine peace, but if you really tried, and walked a few blocks away from the bustling streets you would find a little street with a few shops, a café that sells the most amazing hot chocolate called Cuppa Jo's, a small bakery that had the most beautiful cookies and wonderful smelling bread called KiKi's Bakery, and on the end of the street is a small flower shop called Blossoms. There was also a few other shops there, like a little recorded store and a pub. It was a lovely place that no many people know about, but when they find it they always come back. All the shops got enough people coming in to keep going and that was about it. 

The owner of one of this café's is Steve Rogers who runs it with his friend, Bucky. The café always had art on the walls by upcoming artist who wished to sell their work, and each table had fresh flowers on them that they got from up the road. It was a very hipster like place because of the location and the kind of place it is, students loved it because it was cheap. And Steve loved working there because he got to go to the flower shop everyday and talk to the cute flower boy who works there. He always has a beautiful crown of fresh flowers on his head and big geek glasses on his face. He's beautiful and Steve adorned him.

Just down the street from the coffee shop, is Blossoms flower shop, a brightly colour little place filled with all different kinds of flowers, from roses, to poppies, lilies to sunflowers. It's a beautiful little shop with hanging baskets on the front. And the worker at the shop if just as cute. Tony Stark had worked there since his gran opened the shop. He loves looking at flowers, he loved the smell, the colour, the way he can take a few of them and make a beautiful mash for the person who wants them for their partner or for the occasion they're needed for. He loves pretty things. He often dresses like he is a flower with a crown of fresh flowers on his head each day. The crown would often flop down a little and rest on his glasses. 

Nine am and the street woke up, the shops flipping the closer singe around, to open and then they waited for business. 

Around ten past nine Tony heard the bell on the door meaning someone had walked in. He put the pen he was holding down on the desk and closed the folder he had open, he knew there was no need to worry about his drama work, he knew the play like the back of his hand, but he had nothing better to do than go over his notes and script. He then fixed the glasses on his nose, and rolled the sleeves on his red and black checked plaid shirt on. He knew it would either be Steve or Bucky, the owners of the coffee shop up the street, he hoped it was Steve, it was safe to say he had more than a just a little crush on him. He loved taking with him more than he did anyone else, even when the shops had closed, the two of them would text a lot. Steve would always put a heart in his coffee and Tony would always leave him an extra rose as a tip on the table as he left.

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