Star Spangled Man With A Plan

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Summary :-: Steve walks in on Tony doing something in the lab

Warnings :-: Nothing

Word Count :-: 390

(Tony in that gif is just everything. I've also been listening to music songs all day so I'm in really upbeat moon for once)


Tony was tinkering in his lab as he usually was. It was getting later by the second, but he was lost in his little bubble of mechanics so he didn't even think to take a break and go sleep with Steve in their bed on Steve floor.

Steve sat up in bed and looked at the clock and saw it was nearly half three in the morning, he wasn't that tired, he hadn't really be tired since his seventy year long nap, but he knew Tony was tired, he usually was so he got out of bed, put his book down and made his way to Tony's workshop.

As he walked through the doors he heard a humming sound coming from Tony's direction, not a mechinical machine humming, this was coming from Tony.

"Oh god." Steve whispered. "I thought that song died when people thought I was dead." Steve spoke louder starteling Tony a little casuing him to jump.

"Come on, Steve, it'll never die!" He smiled knowing how much Steve hated the song.

"I wish it would, it's so embarrassing!" Steve whined back as he took a seat on the table were there was no paper or metal so he knew he wouldn't to or break anything important to Tony's work.

Who's strong and brave, here to save the American Way?

Tony began to sing in the campest voice he could muster up just to annoy Steve even more.

Who vows to fight like a man for what's right night and day?
Who will campaign door-to-door for America,
Carry the flag shore to shore for America.

"Will you stop this please?" Steve once again whined as he placed his redening cheeking in is hands.

From Hoboken to Spokane,
The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!

Tony sung the last part as lound as he could and then burst into a fit of giggles as he looked at the red cheeks of his star spangled boyfriend sitting on the table.

"I hate you." Steve spoke as he himself began laughing with Tony.

"What ever, Spangles." Tony giggled back.

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