It's Nothing But A Temporary High

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Summary :-: Steve is a bad-ass, a local drug dealer, ridding around on his motorbike without a care in the world. Tony is a nerd and all around social awkward collage student with big nerd glasses filled with anxiety and a stutter. Somehow these two cross paths and a relationship is born

Warnings :-: Drug usage (but nothing serious like class A and shit, just weed really), abuse, OCD traits/characteristics and bullying

Word Count :-: 8248

(I have a fair few mental health issues, but OCD is not one, so if you suffer from this then I'm sorry if I got anything wrong, but this is what I've found on Google and what I've been told by people who I know suffer with it, so if I have got things wrong, I'm sorry)

(Also I'm basing some of the drug use on my first time getting stoned and stuff and I'm assuming it feels different for everyone else but this is my personal experience)

(Sorry its been so long! I've been working loads and my mental health hasn't been the best recently so I've had no motivation but here's an extra long one shot for you lovely, beautiful, handsome, incredible people)


The sun was creeping into the room, the window open slightly letting the smoke drift out the room and into the atmosphere. The room smelt of weed, the strong sent enough to make any sober man stoned the second they walked into the room. It was strong stuff. The man smoking it took a deep breath in, holding it for a few seconds before once again blowing the smoke out his lips into the sky, his eyes closing as he leaned back on his window ledge. He didn't really need to feel this at peace right now, he had a big shipment coming in today and getting stoned in his bedroom like some dumb teenage wasn't the best idea he had had, but when you're a deal with no place to be other then your suppliers house at noon what else if there to do?

Steve walked around his messy home, his joint still hanging between his lips as he puffed out the thick smoke. He walked to his kitchen that really did need a good clean, the bin overflowing with beer cans, the cupboards with little to no food in it, the sink with a few cups that hadn't be washed recently in it. His living room not any better with the stacks of DVD cases laying around as well as takeout wrappers on the couch. But he didn't feel the need to clean it all up. He knew when he took the bins out it would look five times better so he put his spliff out and walked down three flight of stairs just to get to the garbage shoot so he could throw it away and then he walked back to his apartment and went back to the window ledge to look out on the city.

As he leaned back, letting the feeling of peace fall through his body, the stress of his everyday life vanishing as it was replaced with a feeling of almost peace, but he was still on edge as he looked out the window. Steve knew the only way for him to feel calm and able to sleep was if he did something a lot stronger, but he needed a clear head I he if was to work tonight. If he was smashed off his face no one would buy from him, and his boss would yell as him. So, he inhaled the grass once again and looked out the window, letting the sun seep in though his window and shine onto his legs and shirtless chest, his few tattoos on show as he leaned back and closed his eyes and let his thoughts consume him.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Tony lay in his bed, his head hurting and his hands still shaking as he watched the sun rising. Once again he had had another sleepless night from the fear of his father's drunken rage. Losing sleeping was nothing new to the younger Stark, he would often find himself going a night or two with little to no sleep in fear of his farther walking in and beating him like he had so many other times, in fear of his mother coming home to take him away from this place and missing her because he was asleep.

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