All Of My Arc Reactor

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Summary :-: "If you're going to go them take this because I may as well be a dead man without you"

Warnings :-: Angsty fluff (?)

Word Count :-: 685

(I don't know who the amazing fan art is by so if you know let me know and I'll give the credit to them)

(Fuck me has this evening been shit. And to top it all off, I've got a 7 hour shift tomorrow with a horrible boss who yells at me all the time. I don't usually talk about my mental health online because I hate letting people know who I really feel, but I just feel like utter shit right now so why make myself feel better with an update)


"Tony for the love of god stop being such a child!" Steve yelled, his deep voice booming of the walls of Tony's lab, he swore the glass was about to break if he yelled any louder.

"I am child, Steve! I won't stop acting like this because it's who I am!" He yelled back, not nearly as loud, but still loud enough to hide the fact he was so scare Steve was about to leave him. 

"I can't keep this up, I can't keep looking after just you, I've got the rest of the team and all the stuff at S.H.I.E.L.D to deal with, the world doesn't revolve around you!" Steve yelled back as he reached for the door.

"Fine! If you're going to go then, take this because I may as well be a dead man without you." Tony spoke as he pulled his black tank top down and ripped the Arc Reactor out of his chest and slamming it down onto the table in front of him and Steve.

Steve had no idea what to say, he was frozen in place. He had no idea he meant that much to Tony, he thought he was just a little fling with extra kisses here and there.

"Oh god." Tony mumbled as he began to feel sick, his head getting lighter by the second and his skin getting paler and paler.

"Sir, I don't think that was a smart move." J.A.R.V.I.S spoke causing Steve to break out of what ever trance he was in as he looked at, basically Tony's heart on the table. He looked over at Tony just in time to see him fall to the floor.

"Oh god, J.A.R.V.I.S, call Banner now!" Steve yelled, this time a different kind of yelling, this a much more panicked and fearful one.

"Right away Captain Rogers." J.A.R.V.I.S answered. 

As Bruce rushed up to the lab from the communal living room Steve sat on the floor with Tony's head in his lap with his fingers running through his hair.

"You really are a stupid kid aren't you." Steve spoke as he tried not to cry. "God Tony, why would you do this? I love you too much, I can't lose you." He whispered.

Just then Bruce rushed through the door and after he and Steve lifted the younger boy onto the table Bruce began attaching the Reactor to Tony's chest once again, all the while Steve watching with shaking hands and tears in his eyes.

After a few hours Tony was back to his normal self, acting like a child with a drink in his hand as he sat in the lab taking with a still extremely worried looking Steve.

"Don't ever do that again, please." Steve spoke as Tony took a sip of his whisky.

"I told you, without you I may as well be a dead man." Tony answered as he lead to the side and kissed Steve on the cheek, his breath smelling of the booze he was drinking but Steve didn't care as he leaned down and stole a kiss from him.

"I love you too much to leave you." Steve spoke as he wrapped his arms around the smaller male.

"Good, because I kind of like this life and wanna share it with you." He smiled and lead into Steve the both of them looking at each other with love in their eyes.

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