We'll Come Back To Life In The Sunrise

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Summary :-: A prince of another world falls head over heals in love with a light house keeper

Warnings :-: Nothing much really

Word Count :-: 5142

(Promised an update before the end of the month so here it bloody is x)


Under the sea, deep down where no diver had yet to venture, and no man made threats had discovered them, there was a war, a war between the different kinds of race living under the same blue sea, a war of wanting power, of wanting to be the ruler of all the ocean has to offer. This war had been going on for so long the creatures of the ocean had forgotten what they were fighting for, so the Lost Kingdom and the Seven Seas decided that their first born children should wed and free the ocean from the brutal conflict she was holding, and so the firs born son of the Seven Seas, and the second born daughter of the Lost Kingdom were announced to be married from the day they were born, they would save he ocean from the pain and hurt running deep within her. And they did, Howard Stark and Maria Stark brought peace to the ocean.

It started off a happy marriage, they got along swimmingly, pardon the pun, they would go on cute dates together, swim as high as they could and go swim with the whales, they had a beautiful first few years falling in love with each other, doing all things with kindness towards one another, it really was a perfect and showed the two kingdoms just how well the both of them could be together, and so the people of their two kingdoms began sharing their love. There would still be the odd tiff and argument between some of the older and more drunker members of the other communities, aside from that the ocean seemed to be in perfect harmony once again, the once roaring waves now calm and soothing as the god of the sea Trident looked down at his children and smiled at their love.

From the love Howard and Maria had for one another, they were blessed with a beautiful little boy, a boy who would one day rule both of these kingdoms, who would be the starting point for the next future of children of the sea knowing how much change love can make, and this baby was names Anthony Edward Stark. He would be the one to change the future and keep the change going for a brighter future.

As all was peaceful and order was restored in the ocean, there still needed to be peace kept on top of the ocean, and that was the light house keepers job. They would keep the oil in their light burning, keep all ships at sea safe as they went on their voyages, as well as returning home to shore in the small and slight old fashioned town of Collinsport.

Steve had always loved helping his dad when he was a child when it came to tending to the light that burned ever so bright and cast a glow over the unpredictable ocean that lay below. He would often run up the spiral staircase that let to the top, and since the passing of his father it had become his responsibility to keep the light burning. Every night he would walk up the stairs and watch the sunset, light the light and then sit up there and just watch the sun set and then go back into his home when it gets too cold and go to bed. His life was perfectly normal, and that's just the way he liked it, until something threw his whole world out of sink and that was the one and only Tony Stark.

*・゚゚・*:.。..。.:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:.。..。.:*・゚゚・*

Tony had this ability, it was something not a lot of other people had, he had the ability to breath in and out of water, he could pass for human, and as a water man, it was something he had always treasured because it meant he could go up above the water, but it was forbidden, now there was peace in the ocean, but peace with the humans walking to Earth was a different story. The humans would poison the oceans with their toxic waist, their cans, bottle rings, plastic bags, shoes, clothing and rubbish, all the things the humans didn't want they seemed to just throw into the ocean, as if they were subliminally messaging the ocean folks and saying we don't want contact with you, you're nothing but trash to us, so it was forbidden for the water people to make any contact with the humans in fear of war braking out between man and ocean, a battle that neither one of the races could win. Tony had been told this many, many, many, many times, but that didn't stop him venturing up every now and then. He would often stick his head up out of the water just to look at the sun, to feel the raise of the burning ball of gas on his cheeks, to know what it was like to have hair that wasn't always wet. It was like magic to him, to feel this warm and dry, but as soon as he was dry he would always have to jump back into the water, that was until he started getting more and more adventures with things, he started getting closer to shore, and risking exposing himself a little more, and finally he walked on the beach, he felt the sand on his toes and he watched the run come up and then he would jump back into the water and swim back home, lying to his parents that he had been out with his best friend Pepper all night, and she always covered for him.

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