Feel My Love

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Summary :-: I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love

Warnings :-: Just fluff I guess I don't think there are anything to be honest

Word Count :-: 873

(hey guys! Can anyone recommend se good anime and se sights to watch it on? There's only so much Netflix has to offer ahah)

Tony had had the worst day, he was late for work because he woke up late, and then he had to run in the rain - the rain heavier than it had been in a long time, one drop socking his skin to the bone - leaving him in his drenched uniform for the rest of his shift. His boss wasn't happy with him, so he was late getting onto the shop floor because he was being yelled at for the past ten minutes, and the shop was busy with it being the build up to Christmas. So by the time his shift had ended he had given up on the day and wanted nothing more then to be back at home in the arms of his lover, Steve.

Tony walked back home, the rain now having stopped and the cold nigh air chilling him to the bone, but that might be because he was still wet from before. He didn't mind though, because he knew Steve would look after him.

God, Steve was the best thing that ever happened to him, the way he made him feel with just one smile, the way could change his moon so quickly with just a single word. The way he smelled was nothing but safe for Tony, the sound of his laugh was like music to his ears, the shimmering blue of his of his eyes is a shade Tony could look at forever. Everything about Steve was perfect for him, and Tony perfect for Steve. 

As Tony got to the door of their flat the both of them shared together, he couldn't' hold back anymore as he sank to his knees and banged his head on the door, a knock causing Steve to jump a little and tare him away from what he was doing.

"Hello?" He asked as he opened the door, but felt his heart shattering at the sight of his boyfriend crumpled up on the floor with tears running down his cheeks, his clothes damn and uncomfortable looking. "Oh, darling come here." Steve spoke as he sunk to his knees and picked his sobbing boyfriend up off the floor. "I'll run you a nice warm bath."

Tony just nodded his head and cuddled further into Steve's chest. He was then placed down on the bed, his eyes closed as he felt himself falling asleep at the warm embrace of Steve.

"I'll be two seconds okay my love." Steve spoke and before he got an answer he was rushing off to the bathroom to run his bath, and before Tony had even opened his eyes he was back, with his arms wrapped around him and cuddling him like he was the most important thing in the world, and to Steve he is. Nothing is, was or ever will be more important than Tony Stark.

Steve picked Tony up and carried him to the bathroom, holding him in a way that made him feel warm and safe, the only feeling he wanted to be feeling after his horrible day. Tony had his eyes open now and was looking up at Steve with such love and adoration in his brown orbs it made Steve wanted to cry.

Tony was then placed in the bath, the water a beautiful shade of purple filled with bubbles as Steve used a lavender bubble bar as he knew it was one of Tony's favourite smells, and would instantly make him feel better. The water wasn't scolding hot, but was hot enough to make your skin slightly red, just how Tony liked it. He would often say he liked his bath as hot as hell as he wanted to feel closer to home, and Steve was sure if he wasn't so tied Tony would have made that comment, but looking at the state of the boys teary eyes and blotchy face he was in no mood for jokes right now.

"How's that my darling?" Steve asked as Tony unwrapped himself for Steve's embrace and felt the water washing over his body, washing away all the pain of the day, the sent of the lavender making him feel calmer and more at peace with the day.

"It's prefect, thank you." Tony smiled as he began to play with some of the bubbles in the bath. "Did you wanna join me?" Tony asked, the water wasn't that deep and he wanted cuddles.

"I wasn't planning on it, but it you want me too then I'm sure I can fit."

"I want you too." Tony smiled and then made grabby hands at Steve and without a seconds hesitation the taller male was in the bath with Tony, Tony's head now lying on his chest and the both of them holding hands.

"I love you so much." Tony smiled, "thank you for this."

"I love you too, and you're very welcome." Steve smiled and kissed the top of Tony's head.

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