Dancing On My Skin (Soulmate AU)

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Summary :-: Every cut, doodle, drawing, tattoo, scare and bruise that you do ends up on your soulmate's skin

Warnings :-: Nothing? I don't know, there not like triggers because they talk about them in the movies but I guess possible slight suicidal thoughts, but not really? I don't know, I've had a few DMs of people being pisses I haven't put the right warnings.

Word Count :-: 2452

(Also, Tony isn't a playboy in this, he's as innocent as Steve is because it's a soulmate thing they both wanted to wait for each other, and ya know, I'm a sucker for innocent Tony, there isn't enough blushy and stutter Stark out there)


Steve had spent his whole life without getting a single mark on his skin from his soulmate, either they were the most carful person on this Earth, or they didn't care about Steve at all. Steve would write little notes on his hand asking them who they were, how they were, what they were doing, how this war was effecting them, but he never got a reply, he never got anything in return. It made the skinny boy feel ever more alone in this world. 

"Bucky? Have you ever heard from your soul mate?" Steve asked one day as the skinny, small boy and his much taller friend with a handsome face and a stunning smile took a walk.

"No, but I don't really care, girls love me, and I got my little Stevie to look after." He spoke throwing his arm around Steve who laughed and pushed his arm off him. But there was something off with Bucky when ever Steve would bring up the topic of soulmates, as if he wanted to share more about it, but he always have the same answer saying he had enough girls who liked him and wanted sleep with him than have him worry about finding his on true love. And he was going to fight this war in a few short days, he had no time for a soulmate right now, because the thought of meeting them and dying was more heart-breaking them never meeting them.

"Well, I want to know mine." He spoke looking down at the faded pen ink that was rubbing of the palm of his hand. Steve would write everyday to his mate, wishing them a good day, even though he knew he would never get anything back, he still hoped that maybe one day they would answer him.

He traced his thumb over them, the words reading -

I can't wait to meet you one day xx


Peggy was screaming at him, but he couldn't here her, he didn't care. All he cared about was what he was writing down on his hand right now. Tears filled his eyes as he thought of the past events his life, meeting Peggy, losing Bucky, becoming Captain America, never meeting his soulmate, and now dying without knowing the love from who ever they may be. With a pen in his hand he scribbled a note on his hand and then felt himself being covered with ice cold water and soon everything went black and he felt like he was dead.

You will always be in my heart my darling xx


Tony was sitting in his lab looking at his hand with the smudged black inked writing across his palm. Ever since he was a baby it had been there. No matter how dirty his hands got, or how many times he washed his hands, it was still there, just the same as it always is. When he was being emotionally abused by his farther, it was still there, making sure he knew he was in someone's heart. When he was being tortured and on the cusp of dying in Afghanistan he would look at his hand remember it was okay, because there was someone out there he had to keep fighting for, to meet them, to see them. When Obi almost killed him, when he fell this heart stopping, he looked at his hand and knew he needed to keep fighting and that he did. When he was breaking down from anxiety attacks and PTSD flashbacks he would look at his hand and feel better.

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