Private Parts

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Summary :-: Based of the song Privet Parts by Halestorm ft. James Michael

Warnings :-: Angst

Word Count :-: 970


Tony Stark is an open book - on most things that is. His whole life he had been in the media, having people with bright flashing cameras in his face, having people asking him questions about his life, and for the most part he would answer them, he lived his life in the eye of the public, and didn't want then to think ill of him, so he tried to be as nice as possible, if not a little - okay a lot - sarcastic and irritated with them at times. His mother and farther had had him in the sight of the media as soon as they could. And it was still the same to this day.

Steve Rogers on the other hand is a closed book with things form his past he knows people won't understand in this time because back then it was normal, it was normal to just beat someone up in the street for their sexuality, and it was normal to beat your wife and have her confined to the kitchen, to stay home and look after their children. He was very glad times like this had changed for those reasons, but he would give anything to be back with people who understood him, who knew what it was like to be like him. He never spoke about it, not with Colson or Fury, his team or the therapist everyone had to see because they all had rather traumatic pasts. But he wasn't an open book, he would much rather keep things bottled up inside himself and not ever talk about them.

And that was the problem.

Tony would talk to Steve all the time, he would walk into their shared room and start ranting about something that went wrong in the lab, or some dumb fight he and Clint got into, and Steve sat there, looking up for his book, listened to the rant and say his thoughts back to the younger male.

Tony had now started talking about things he never thought he would. There were still a lot of things he didn't know if he was ready to share, maybe not ever, but he was getting there. He had spoken about Obi and how he basically tried to kill him, recently with Steve, and in return he had hopped Steve would tell him something about himself, but he didn't, he shut the conversation down and to make Tony better, the both of them had some sex. The sex was good, it's always good when it's the two of them, but Tony wanted more from Steve. He wanted more then to feel his touch, he wanted to feel his emotions, to know what was going on in his head. He wanted to share happy memories, painful memories, smiles, laughs, tears and screams with him. But Steve kept shutting it down.

And that's how this fight began.

"Baby forgive me, did I do something wrong?" Tony began as he looked at the silent Steve with a book and a cup of coffee in his hands as he sat at the table on their floor. This was all he seemed to do when they weren't having sex.

"I don't wanna talk, can't we just let it go?" Steve sighed as he put the book down and took a sip from his coffee.

"Steve, every time I try to get a little closer, you shut down and the conversation's over!" Tony began, his tone a little lauder than it should have been for a cool, calm and collective conversation, but he knew it was definitely escalating into something a lot more in little to know time at all. "I'm right here, but you leave me in the dark, show me your private parts."

Steve let out a sigh, he knew this would come soon, he was actually surprised this fight hadn't come sooner.

"Give it up baby, what are you afraid of? Love sucks when you don't know what it's made of!" Tony continued. "We get naked but I can't undress your heart! Show me your private parts." 

"Tony, I would've cut you out, if I didn't love you." Steve spoke, his tone calm as he didn't want to yell in fear of losing control and say something he regrets. Despite the harsh things Tony can say, he actually is a very sensitive guy who can really take the little things to heart.

"And how can you blame me for feeling the way I feel?" Tony spoke, his tone now a lot calmer as he felt the fear and anxiety of Steve getting cross with him and leaving him for someone who wouldn't push him to talk when he doesn't want to.

"I'm not blaming you, I'm just trying' to figure it out." Steve began as he noticed the change in body language Tony was putting out.

"They say that silence is gold, but I think that's a lie." Tony carried on. "You think I already know, but I can't read your mind..."

"I know you can't, but I just have things I don't want to talk about." He spoke looking away from the sad eyes tony was giving him.

"Please, just show me your privet parts!" Tony began, his tone once again slightly irritated. "Please, what do I have to do to make you trust me?"

"Nothing, I trust you, Tons, I do. I'm just not ready to talk." Steve spoke as he put his hands together and placed them on the table.

"I can take a little hesitating." Tony said sadly as he took a seat at the table Steve as sitting at and wrapped his hand around his hand. "I'll wait forever... if its worth the waiting." He whispered.

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