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Summary :-: Tony's lonely and wants a friend 

Warnings :-: Blood guts and gore ;)

Word Count :-: 3680

(Happy Halloween everyone! I like hate to be that person, but I freaking love this idea and I'm so happy with how it's come out and I hope y'all love it as well)


Being alone is all well and good. You can read a book, play music as loud as you like, masturbate knowing no one will walk in, watch what ever you want, walk around naked, dance like nobody is watching. You can do a lot of things alone, but after awhile being alone gets kind of sad, like when your thoughts become too much and you start thinking about thinks you don't want to think about, you have no one to talk with, when you wake up in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare there's no one there, when you watch a scary movie and you can't sleep without the light on. Being alone is all well and good, until you need a friend.

Tony Stark was a lonely guy. He never really had anyone he could call a friend. He wet thought high school with no friends and his nose in a book, and collage was basically the same ballgame, his roommate in his collage dorm didn't want anything to do with him, they barely spoke. He never got asked to party with anyone, never got asked out on a date, never slept with anyone. But he didn't mind that, that was until he got his own place and would see couples on Tv, in the street, everywhere he went he saw someone in love and he wanted that. He was a human after all.

It was a warm night out when Tony was sitting on his balcony in his flat. He was looking out at the bright lights of New York, his legs hanging through the bars and swinging back and forth. He wished he had someone to look at the lights with, but he didn't, he was alone, he always was alone. He wanted some human companionship.

When it began to get a little cold outside he went back in and turned the Tv on, as he flipped through the channels he stopped when he saw a black and white movie and then he saw the title 'Frankenstein'

"I could build myself a friend." Tony whispered to himself as he watched a monster being built.


The next day Tony began sketching and drawing up plans and ideas on how to make himself a friend. What he needed and how he would do it. As he read more and more about it he knew he would need to use Dark Magic to make it happen. He had never thought of using magic before, the idea was so unnatural to him it never crossed his mind. But building a friend wasn't the most natural of things was it?

As he did his research on it he could use Voodoo, Dark Magic or Black magic, but most of the answers was summoning the Devil and making a deal with Death. He had never been more terrified in his life, but he would do anything to not be lonely anymore. Another thing he needed was body parts. He needed to have the things to build a friend, so he needed to take a trip to the local cemetery. And he needed to do the spell in the dark of night under a fool moonlight, and there was supposed to be a beautiful blood moon in the next two days, so he would get the parts he needs, then drive out of town and to a place you could see the moon and then he would have a new friend.

"I'm not gonna be alone anyone." Tony smiled as he finished writing the spell down and finished writing the list of everything he needed. The only probably would be getting caught, so he would probably go to the cemetery in the town over, and he would get them from fresh graves so nothing would be decomposed... Or he could just break into a morgue and take parts from there... He would decide what to do tomorrow.

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