Comic Con Cosplay (Teenage Evans/Downey AU)

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Summary :-: Everyone loves Comic Con

Warnings :-: Nothing at all

Word Count :-: 2330

(The Marvel Movies are not real in this, so there have never been any Marvel movies made, it's all just the comic books. Both of them are also teenagers in this)

(Ahh, I've just got home from Comic Con and it was such fun! All the people I wanted to meet cancelled last minute which sucks a big ball of balls, but I still had a lovely time and I cosplayed for the first time! I went as Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas and I'm a larger person and I felt so confident in myself and I'm so happy I did it! Anyways, hope you're all having a smashing day and love this chapter)


Comic Con has always been a place of excitement for all the geeks or the world. Meeting your favourite characters, being surrounded by other people who love what you love, and one of the best things is definitely seeing the amazing cosplay, seeing all the effort people put into their costumes, meeting other people like them, it's a beautiful place.

Robert Downey JR had always been a fan of comic books, his favourite being The Invincible Iron Man. He loved the idea of an ordinary man going through hell, only to turn himself into a super hero. But becoming Tony Stark had never crossed his mind until one day someone made a comment saying he looked like Tony Stark, and since then he had spent months trying to prefect him cosplaying as the comic book character, and he had actually done a pretty good job, and this weekend he was going to cosplay as Tony Stark for the very first time in public. He had posted pictures on Instagram and most of the Iron Man/Tony Stark fans had been very approving of his cosplay, and now he was ready to showcase it to the world. He wasn't going to a very big comic con, it was just a little local one, rather small, not many big guests coming, but non the less he was very excited.

Chris Evans had been cosplaying for a long time now, and he had built up a pretty good following on his Tumblr and Instagram account. He loved putting his Captain America outfit on and going to Comic Cons and seeing the bright smiles on small children's faces as they see him, the parents asking him for pictures with their children. It made his day to see them so happy, and that was exactly why he was going to one of the smaller cons next week, well that and the fact one of his Instagram crushes was going. For a while now he had been talking with this adorable Tony Stark/Iron Man cosplayer, and the two were finally going to meet next week.


Robert woke up to his alarm beeping, and after turning it off he sat up and stretched. He then checked the few notifications he had on his phone, and then went to check his DMs on Instagram, seeing he had one from his fellow cosplaying friend, Chris. He wouldn't say it aloud, but he had a very big crush on the Captain America cosplayer.

Hey! I'm so excited to finally meet you today!xx

Robert smiled at the text, the ever growing excitement growing inside him.

I can't wait to meet you either! I better start getting ready! I'll text you when I get there xx

Robert didn't have to travel far, it was only a forty minute drive, but he needed to get ready. He showered last night so his hair would be a little messy and fluffy so he wouldn't have to style it very much, so he ran his fingers through his hair a few times and then he was ready. He then went to get ready, applying a little foundation to his face making sure his skin was a smooth surface. He then stuck his little goatee on and then smoothed it out, he then put a fancy looking suit on that he saved up for three months to buy, and then added the DIY little Arc Reactor he had made. He knew he would never been a perfect Tony Stark, and there would forever be people better than him, but this was the best he could do and he was happy with the outcome.

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