Instagram Account (Chris Evans x Robert Downey Jr)

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Summary :-: We all know Chris Evans doesn't have an Instagram account, but what if he did, and one day Robert walks in on him using the app, what would happen then?

Warnings :-: Nothing at all

Word Count :-: 800

(This if for the amazing ThorEatsPoptarts who requested a Chris Evans X Robert Downey JR fic and this was the first idea I came up with when it was requested. I'm actually obsessed with this ship so I'm working on another Downy/Evans one as you're reading this)

(Also all Insta accounts I've used are some of my favourite accounts so go and drop them a follow, and I added my account cause why but)


Chris Evans used Twitter a lot, and would sometimes be seen on Facebook, posting pictures of himself and his dog and giving a few updates to his friends, but that was it. he didn't use anything else that much, but after a few days consideration he felt like it was time to get Instagram, but he didn't want it to be of him. He loved the fans, of course he did, but he hated getting his phone blown up when he would tweet. 

So maybe he would use a name like his, but not say it's officially him? 

He went into the app store and downloaded the app, and after setting everything up he was up and ready to go with another social account. He had no idea how it worked but he soon stumbled across the #marvel tag and then began following a few people who posted under the tag, such as @HiddelsworthQueen, @Marvel_Stony, @dailypratt, and of course he followed his friends such as Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston (even thought he never posts anything) as well as Sebastian Stan and of course Robert Downey Jr. Chris had seen some of the pictures Robert posts on all his socials and he knew his feed would brighten his day.

"Hey, Chris, we need you on set!" Called one of the makeup artists.

"Okay, coming!" He called back as he locked him phone, leaving it on the Instagram account, still not knowing what to post, but after seeing a few things, he had an idea.

Chris had been using the Instagram app for a few weeks now and had just under fifty followers. He decided he wanted to be a fan account so he could show the fans - even if they didn't know it was him - how much he loved their work and he appreciated what they did. He would post anything from fan art of himself, to fan art of Robert to Stony fan art. He loved it, he would always do his best to find the original artist to give the credit but when there was no link to the artist he would just have to leave it as unknown artist but fill credit. he loved this and had no idea why it took him so long to get it.

He was getting a little further in the hundreds with followers by the end of the month, and it made him happy to see others supporting the art he was relogging.

As he was posting the newest fanart he had found he heard a knocking o his trailer door.

"Open." He called as he hit the post button, and then looked up and saw his favourite tinny guy. "Hey, Robert." He smiled and moved over on the couch so he could sit down.

"Hey, cap." He smiled and sat down next to him, laying his head on his shoulder. "That was a hard day."

"You look really tried, love, go to sleep for a while." Chris smiled and ran his fingers though the sweaty messy hair on top of Roberts head and then without being told twice he was out like a light, so Chris went back on Instagram and saw he had gotten a few hundred liked since he posted the picture of Robert holding a hug picture of a Stony kiss

" Chris smiled and ran his fingers though the sweaty messy hair on top of Roberts head and then without being told twice he was out like a light, so Chris went back on Instagram and saw he had gotten a few hundred liked since he posted the picture...

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As he was reading a few of the comments her didn't notice Robert waking up.

"Is that me holding a big picture of us?" He asked as the screen was in his face. he was only waking up so he could pace his head in Chris' lap but that now had his full attention.

Chris just went red in the face and stuttered out words that didn't make any sense.

"So you've got Instagram now the?" Chris nodded. "And it's a Stony account?" Chris nodded once again. "You want the real good content try Tumblr."

Chris just laughed and kissed Robert on the cheek and handed his phone over to let the man search the #stony tag on Tumblr, and that's how the night was spent in the Evans and Downey trailer that night.

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