Secret Call Away

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Summary :-: Steve gets called away but he can't tell Tony

Warnings :-: Mpreg, panic attacks, angst

Word Count :-: 2427

(Feel free to skip this kit it's not relavent but OH MY GOD SLAM DUNK NORTH HAS KILLED ME. I got to meet All Time Low again! It was such an amazing weekend I wish it never ended)


Tony woke up expecting to be in the arms of his husband like he had woken up so many times before, but he wasn't, when he woke up he was alone and Steve's side of the bed was cold, as if he hadn't been there all night. Maybe he was just down stairs cooking or something, the both of them had grown accustom to Tony's strange eating habits now, being pregnant wasn't all that it had cracked up to be, especially when it came to eating habits - the main thing being a cheese burger with extra pickles and bacon, hold the onions, sometimes he would have it with ranch dressing, others it would be syrup - but over the past three months Steve had gotten used to what he wanted to eat now, and with only a month and seven day to go he wouldn't be craving strange things much longer.

"Babe, you down there?" Tony asked as he got out of bed and placed one of his hands on his rather large stomach and made his way to the stairs and much like a penguin he waddled down the stairs of their home, their beautiful home that was down a little lane next to a lake. It was a little like Clints farm but it definitely a lot more expensive. The house had been Steve and Tony's dream since they got married and the both of them couldn't be happier that they finally got it.

"Steve?" Tony called out a little louder, but there wasn't a sound in the house, not a hissing sound of frying oil like he heard most mornings, the sent off coffee wasn't in the air at all, the house was just that, empty and still, as of it's heart had gone missing.

"Steve are you here?!" Tony yelled running to the front door, placing his feet in what ever shoes that were lying there as he rushed around the place trying to find any hint of his husband, but he got nothing back but the sound of birds chirping away as his empty cries for Steve seemed like nothing. Tony walked back into the house feeling slightly worried as he walked to the living room and picked his phone up and called Steve's phone, but it went to voice mail, and like the 'old man' he knew Steve was, if he left a voice mail he would pick it up so Tony waited for the deep and then started talking.

"Hey, Steve, I can't find you in the house and because you're such an old man I know you'll listen to this message when you can so do get this call me back or just come back to the living room, my feet hurt and I've been up like ten minutes." Tony stopped to take a deep breath. "Just where ever you are please come back. I love you." He spoke and then hung up the phone.

After taking a deep breath he got up and waddled to the kitchen to make some tea and then he would go watch some Tv and wait for Steve to come home, he was probably just out shopping, they needed some food anyway so it would make sense it he was. And then when Steve would get home, he would watch Steve baby-proof their home, and then ask him to make some dinner and rub his feet and maybe give him a shoulder rub and then go to sleep. Yeah, Tony thought, sounds like a good day. 

But it wasn't a good day, it was almost twelve and he still hadn't see or heard anything from Steve and he was starting to worry, so he called him again, but it just went to voice mail once again, so he tried again, hoping he was just in a bad patch of signal he called the phone again but this time the automatic voice said the call had been disabled and was no longer connected.

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