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Summary :-: Steve has nightmares, and Tony likes to play his violin

Warnings :-: Nothing

Word Count :-: 825

(Oh hell yee, you bet your ass I used the song from Sherlock)


Steve work up in a cold sweat, his heart thumping against his ribcage, his breathing coming out harsh and sharp, as if he was on the verge on a panic attack, but he managed to calm down before that happened. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand and saw it was three nineteen. With a frown he got out of bed, pulling some grey sweatpants on as he made his way to the kitchen to make some coco so he could try and sleep, or maybe he would make some tea, he wasn't sure yet.

Once he got out of the lift he walked into the kitchen and got a little fright when he saw Tony hunched over the counter, his slender fingers wrapped around a 'this is what awesome looks like' mug that Steve could only assumed to be filled with coffee, but the room smelt of hot coco so maybe he was wrong.

"Couldn't sleep?" Steve asked as he walked over to Tony, causing the genius to almost jump a mile.

"Thanks for the heart attack, Cap, just what I needed." He spoke sarcastically, not bothering to answer his question, Tony never slept, Steve didn't need reminding about that.

"Sorry, Tons." Steve spoke as he grabbed a hug that read 'old man' on it and filled it with warm water for the kettle and added a tea bag, then adding the sugar and a little milk before mixing it all together and then throwing the bag in the bin. "I couldn't sleep either." Steve spoke as he looked at Tony who hadn't moved since Steve made him jump, he was right back to leaning over the counter, the thoughts he was thinking clearly more important than the Super Soilder looking over at him as he leaned against the counter himself.

"You had a nightmare." Tony spoke, breaking the silence of the room. Steve didn't say anything, just sipped a little more of his tea. "It's okay, I get them to." Tony spoke turning to look at Steve. "I know something that could help, if you want to go back to sleep."

"Tony..." Steve started.

"Just come with me." Tony spoke as he extended his hand for Steve to take, and Steve gladly taking it, his mug in the other hand as Tony led him to the living room. "Okay, take a seat." He spoke as he genteelly pushed Steve down on the couch.

"Tony what are you doing?" Steve asked as he put his mug on the table next to him.

"J, where did I leave my violin?" Tony asked as he looked around the living room for his instrument. 

"Under the sofa, Sir." Came the British voice that belongs to the A.I system.

"Thanks, J." Tony answered.

"Anytime, Sir." The A.I. system replied as Tony bent down to pull a black case out from under the couch.

"Tony? What are you doing?" Steve asked as he watched the smaller male opening the back case and pulling out a beautiful wooden violin, as well as a long and beautiful bow. The colour of the wood a rich hazel colour, the body of the violin and the bow matching perfectly.

"This was made for me when I was seventeen, my mother wanted to give it to me for my birthday." Tony mussed aloud, more to himself than Steve. "She had always loved music and wanted me to be able to play as many things as I can. She loved the violin, and the piano, so I'm much better and playing those than I am the other things I was taught to play. And these two are also my favourite to play." He spoke, all the while tuning the violin and tightening the bow so it wasn't too lose for him to play.

"Okay, here we go." He smiled and then place the violin to his shoulder and pressed his cheek to it and started playing note after note, his fingers moving and shaking over the neck, being lifted on and off as he played.

Steve had such admiration in his eyes as he watched the billionaire playing such a beautiful melody, the sound extremely sad and as if he was searching for something, something he couldn't find, but it was beautiful none the less.

As he carried on playing Steve began to feel his eyes getting heavier as he watched him playing and as he was sure he was coming to the end of the song he let himself fall asleep. His head had fallen to the side and landed on the arm of the couch and he lifted his legs up and lay on his back on the couch before the clock turned ten after four and he was taken by sleep.

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