Blue Box (Doctor Who AU)

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Summary :-: What do you do when a mad man in a blue box falls into your garden and three in the morning?

Warnings :-: Doctor/Time Lord!Tony, and this might not make sense if you haven't see Doctor Who, and if you haven't then where the hell you been?! Doctor Who is life

Word Count :-: 7840 (jeez this is long)

(I love Doctor Who, like 13 year old me was obsessed, like it was an actual problem so I'm combining two of my loves and doing a Doctor Who/Stony cross over AND OH BOI IS THE THIRTEENTH DOCTOR BEAUTIFUL LIKE DAMN)

(Also you know how when the Doctor regenerates they stay in the clothing of the past body, well Tony will be in the 13th Doctor's clothing to start cause I want it to be like he is the new Doctor, but he's gonna be like a mix of 10 and 11 Doctor with clothing and stuff, it'll make sense when you read it - I hope anyway)


Steve woke when he heard a crashing sound that soon followed by the smashing sound of pots, the sound of the stray cats that would come into his room meowing and scampering away filling the silent night air. His eyes were barley open as he rushed from his bed over to his window and looking out into his garden. As he looked at the blue British police box standing proudly in his garden, flower pots broken around the bottom of the box, flowers now killed as it landed - did it land? If so how?! - in his rose bush patch, a frown quickly forming on his face as he looked at the mess. It had taken him three weeks to finally get the roses to grow how he wanted. As the tired feeling he once felt vanished, a slight anger took its place, but confusion was the main thing he felt right now.

Steve grabbed a flashlight and put his shoes on and rushed out to his garden, not bothering to grab a jacket as he ran out in his sweat pants. Cold nights are extremely rare where he lives in a small suburb in Brooklyn, and even if it was cold he assumed this was a dream so he would wake up fine tomorrow morning. He rushed over to the box and saw smoke coming out the closed door, almost as if it was on fire. He had no idea what to do, what do you do when a blue box crashes into your garden at three am, seemingly on fire?

Panic? Call for help? Call nine one one? Do nothing and walk away? Steve was conflict as to what he should do so after a few seconds of panic and slight fear he called out.

"Hello?" Steve called out, his voice braking the silent night once again. There was no answer and with that everything once again went silent. With a slight frown on his face, he began circling the box to see if there was anyone here because there had to be some logical explanation for this, right?

But what he was about to find was far from logical.

"No, no, no!" Came a voice from inside the box. "Don't you die on me now! We have to save her, we can't leave her there!" The voice carried on yelling, Steve a little shocked he could hear it so clearly from outside the blue box. "No, no, you will not make that sound!" He yelled as a strange sound and more smoke filled the night air, Steve feeling a slight chill in the air and he was starting to wish he was a little more covered up now he knew there was someone - he assumed to be male - was in that box. He didn't want to be violated, nor have the person in there feel violated. Sometimes he was too kind for his own good.

"Please, old girl, you've still got a little fight left in you, right?" The voice spoke, now a lot softer. "We've seen everything and we're the last of each others kind, please don't let me carry on alone." He spoke so melodically, it was almost depressing to hear as the emotion in his voice grew stronger with each word he spoke. But all that changed when the sound of a deflating robot - like when your phone powers down or dies - was heard he seemed to be more annoyed and angry once again. "Why do I still travel in you if all you do if break down?!" He yelled and then a thumping sound was heard, as if he kicked something made of metal in there. But it was such a small box Steve was shocked a man could actually be in there.

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