Would You Be So Kind

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Summary :-:  Oh, would you be so kind as to fall in love with me

Warnings :-: Nothing really, just some fluffy-ish Dodie inspired long ass drabble 

Word Count :-: 500

(Literally not gonna lie, when I was writing this is made me miss Dodie soooo much. Literally when I was in the crowd there was this girl who looks so much like Dodie and I sneezed and she said bless you to me because I sneezed, and my gay (well pan) ass blushed soo hard)

(Also that's my Dodie photo so please don't take it or repost it. BUT LOOK HOW BEAUTIFUL SHE IS)


Looking at him it made my lungs hurt, I could hardily breath when I see him. He causes me so much pain as I look at him with his geek glasses always on the edge of his nose needing to be pushed back up. His hair is a mess of brown curls that fall all over his face when he's running to class. He makes my breathing stop and lungs burn, but do you think he would want to try it?

Oh, won't you be so kind as to fall in love with me, you see I'm trying to make that happen, but you know it's not enough when I like you but you not me so if you will please fall in love with me.

I get butterflies when I see him, I just wish he would feel the same. Do you think he would want to swap chests so he can feel what I feel? He's got to have some butterflies somewhere, and if he doesn't I've got enough to share.

It's rude you know, maybe you should get some manners. Letting me fall in love with you like this and you not falling in love back. Let's swap chests today, it might help you decide you actually like me.

I know, let's write a story! I could be about us, you and me and the adventures we could go on when we fall in love and get married and have kids. It would be amazing! Come on, you've got to join me on my page. Come on, at least take a look, we could be amazing together! 

God, he just walked past and I know for sure if this was a cartoon, butterflies would be flying down the school corridor and following him, birds would be singing and everything would look so soft and pastel, because that's how I see him. I wonder if he saw some butterflies following him he might like me back. 

I felt my heart rate rising, I wish he would do me a favour and let his heart rush as much as mine. 

Oh, won't you be so kind as to fall in love with me, you see I'm trying to make you see why you should be with me. You know,  really like you but that's not enough so if you will please fall in love with me.

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