Zero to Hero

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Summary :-: Steve and Tony are just two guys who fell in love but when something happens to Tony Steve knows it time for a change.

(Yeah I know it's a bad description)

Warnings :-: Homophobic language, slurs and insults, angst, bullying

Word Count :-: 2270

(Steve isn't his super self yet but he becomes stronger in this if that makes sense. Just read is and you'll understand I can't really explain it without giving away the whole plot)

(@cubone I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to make this for you! I completely forgot and then I found I had started it and I couldn't stop writing it when I started. I hope you like it <3)

(If any of you guys have an one shot you want me to do then feel free to DM me, or leave a comment with the idea and I'll do my best to write it)


Tony stumbled into his and his boyfriend, Steve's shared one bedroom apartment. It was small, and shabby, but the landlord didn't question why two boys rented it and the rent was cheap, and that was good enough for the two of them. It wasn't the best idea for him to go out alone at this time of night, the streets would be full of the drunk and deranged of those who had nothing better to do than drink their lives away and forgot their sorry lives.

Tony had left to get some milk before the shop would close at ten, and he was just in time, the shop keeper not being the pleased to see him because she wanted to close up early and go home, Tony couldn't blame her, he hated it when people would come in late, but he needed milk for his tea, and he couldn't sleep without some tea. It soothed the young male as he would try and get some sleep.

He got the milk and as he was leaving the shop he had to walk past one of the busiest pubs in Brooklyn and of course they would say something, calling him names such as 'flower boy' and 'fag' as well as a few others he had chosen to bloke out. This was nothing new, but what was new was getting so beat up he could hardly walk home, his chest so bruised he could hardly breath, his face in so much pain it hurt to blink. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't find the strength as he climbed up the creaking stairs in their apartment complex.

"S-Steve." He whispered as he stumbled though the door and collapsed onto the floor, blood spilling from his lips as he cradled his head in his arms. He had no idea how bad he looked, but he knew he would have a bust lip, possibly swollen face, definitely bruised - if not broken - ribs. He then let out a cough as a little more blood fell from his lips. "I love you." He whispered feeling like he was going to die.

"Tony?" Steve called out when he heard a crash in the living room. He got out of bed, not bothering to cover his exposed half up as he walked into the living room, the sight making him want to vomit. "Oh my god, darling, what happened?" He asked rushing to his side.

"M-Maybe-b-be I sh-shouldn't ha-have gone to get the m-mi-mil-ilk." he tried to laugh it off, but the laughing turned to coughing and the coughing hurt his body causing him to wince in pain because of his ribs.

"Oh god, come on, let's get you all fixed up." Steve spoke as he hobbled himself and Tony to their bed, Steve not being very strong and just lanky it was hard to not stumble over something as he hobbled with Tony to their bathroom. After patching him up the two of them went to bed. Now, both of these lovers being beating by strange men was nothing new for the two of them to experience, but it had never been this bad. Maybe because usually when there's two of them it's more of a challenge, god who was I kidding, through Steve, we're both two guys who can hardly throw a punch without getting knocked out.

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