Red Carpet Event (Evans/Downy) (Smut)

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Summary :-: Robert and Chris go to a red carpet event and then after a few too many drinks things get a little frisky in the bedroom

Warnings :-: Smut - ridding, fingering, bear-backing and blow jobs

Word Count :-: 1217


Robert fixed his suit jacket and put his glasses on, taking one last look at himself in the mirror before he left his home to go to the red carpet even he had been asked to attend. He loved these kinds of things, but they always have him slight anxiety, the flashing lights, the fans screaming at him for pictures and for him to sign something, and worst of all the questions that would be thrown his way. He always had a worry he would answer something wrong because he wouldn't have enough time to think of what he was meant to say, but he was a smooth guy so he could usually play it off.

Usually when he went to these things there would be other people coming with him, so if he did fumble or do something wrong he would have Chris Evans, or Mark there to make sure he was still standing strong, but all his friends were busy and couldn't go with him. He asked Evans fist, but he was shooting another movie and said he couldn't get the time off. He knew if he asked Spidy Tom he would be so excited he wouldn't help him nervous, and Loki Tom was off with Hemsworth somewhere, and Mark was taking some time away from the media to get some rest and read over the new scrip he had been sent.

Robert was done fixing his glasses, and was now walking down the stairs to leave, he got to the door, grabbed his black coat, put his shoe on and opened the door to leave, but almost jumped out of his skin when he was someone standing there with a bunch of red roses in his hand.

"Someone need a date tonight?" Asked Chris Evans, standing there with his usual bright smile on his face, dressed in a navy suit and tie.

"I could do with one yeah." Robert smiled, a slight pink colour on his cheeks.

"Well I wouldn't be a true gentleman if I didn't bring my date some flowers would I?" Smiled Chris, extending his hand and offering Robert the roses.

"Aren't you sweet." Robert smiled, take the roses from him and leaving them on the side table he had at his front door.

"Well we better get going hadn't we?" Chris smiled, offering his arm up for Robert to take, and without a second thought he gladly wrapped his arm around Chris and off they walked to the limo that was waiting to take them to the red carpet.

The event dragged on, pictures were taken, questions asked and answered, fans getting things signed, and more pictures being taken. Chris and Robert drank what there was on offer, and by the time they got back to Robert's home the both of them were giggling around with one another as they entered the downstairs living room.

"You know you look like a Dorito." Laughed Robert as he fell into his couch. "I love Doritos." He giggled.

"Well this Dorito loves you too." Chris giggled, leaning on top of the older man, both with slight red cheeks from drinking too much.

Chris could feel Roberts breath on his neck, and maybe it was the liquid confidence he now had, but Chris leaned down and concerted their lips together. Robert wrapping his arms around his neck and pulling him closer, wrapping his leg around Chris' waist, pulling his closer. The kiss went front being passionate and filled with hunger and lust, to sloppy and filled with lust, their tongues falling from their mouths and invading each others in a very sloppy French kiss.

Chris had one hand around Robert's waits, and the other rubbing over his member, a very noticeable hard on now in his pants. Shirts were then pulled off as well as pants, leaving the both of them in nothing but their underwear.

Chris then tugged at Roberts underwear and pulled them off, throwing them to the floor along with the rest of their clothing.

"Well I can finally say I've seen Iron Man naked." Chris laughed and then attached his lips back to Robert's neck and began biting down, leaving love bits as his got closer to his member.

Robert just moaned at the contact he was getting from Chris. Never in his life did he think that Chris Evans, one of the most beautiful men and an actual living ray of sunshine would be going down on him like this.

Chris had now taken Roberts member in his hand and had began pumping it, pre-cum already falling from the tip and running down Chris' fingers, but he just used it as lube as he carried on pumping it.

"Oh god, Chris, I-I think I-I-I'm gonna cum." Robert moaned.

"Then cum for me, cum for me baby." Chris whispered back and as if on que Robert came with a moan, the cum shooting up his chest. Chris then licked up the cum that had shot on Roberts chest and swallowed the rest of it, before leaning up and kissing him.

"Now, I think you should do something for me, because I've been so nice for you." Chris spoke, his voice deep and dominating.

Chris then lay down on the other side of the couch, and Robert was a little puzzled as to what he could do for a second, but then, with a little glint in his eyes he knew what he would do, and he knew it would make Chris scream...

Robert stood up and turned his radio on, some seductive music beginning to play.

"I'd do a strip teas, but I'm already naked so this will have to do." He whispered, crawling up the couch and sitting on Chris' lap, grinding on over his member, making the younger moan out.

"You're so hot when you do that." Chris moaned as Robert grinded along his fully erect member. "God stop teasing and do something." He growled, his eyes rolling back as Robert basically wanked him off with his ass.

Robert did as he was told and placed three of his fingers in Chris' mouth and once they were covered in enough spit he sat up a little and inserted one into himself, soon followed by another as he stretched himself open, moans and groans escaping both the men's lips. Once Robert felt he was prepped enough he slowly began lowering himself on Chris' member and with slight gasps and grunts he had sat back down.

"Oh god." Chris moaned as the smaller man began grinding himself on Chris.

The room began to fill with the moaning of 'oh fuck's' as Robert began ridding Chris, jumping up and down.

"Oh my god I'm gonna cum." Chris moaned as Robert began to slow down and grind on him once again.

"Me too." Robert moaned as Chris began running his hand up and down Robert's member, and with that the both of them were coming, Robert shooting his up his chest once again, and Chris coming deep inside of Robert.

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