Sleep With One Eye Open Gripping Your Pillow Tight

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Summary :-: Sharing a room with someone you think hates you isn't that fun, especially when you wake them up from screaming in your sleep from a nightmare you see every time you close your eyes.

Warnings :-: Nightmares and PTSD

Word Count :-: 2675

(This is for the lovely Queen_G2901 who requested this. I love this idea, I'm such a sucker for Stony nightmare fics. I hope this is what you had in mind 💚)

(Amazing fanart at the top by Gabbi via DevintArt)

(If anyone else has a request feel free to leave it in the comments or DM me)


noun: nightmare; plural noun: nightmares
a frightening or unpleasant dream."I had nightmares after watching the horror movie"synonyms: bad dream, night terrors.

noun: PTSD
short for post-traumatic stress disorder."military veterans suffering from PTSD"

noun: alcoholic; plural noun: alcoholics
a person suffering from alcoholism.synonyms:dipsomaniac, drunk, drunkard, heavy/hard/serious drinker, problem drinker, drinker, alcohol-abuser, alcohol addict, person with a drink problem.

Three things Tony Stark had to deal with every day of his life. When he does go to sleep he would wake up in a cold sweat and a thumping hart with fear in his eyes and tears threatening to fall. When he would walk into a dark room he would instantly search for the light or he wouldn't go in, he couldn't take a bath anymore without fearing for his life. He felt like the shell of the man he used to be, as if half of him had actually died in that cave, and as it started coming back, it was once again ripped from him when Obi - a life long friend who was only out for himself and never cared for Tony - tried to kill him. He felt pathetic most days not being able to sleep, so he drunk as much as he could hoping that would numb that part of his head that makes him remember, and it works, and that is until he falls asleep and is awoken screaming with his head in a bucket of ice water, his lungs gasping for air, his face freezing from the cold and then throbbing from a punch thrown his way before being shoved back in the dirty bucket. He would feel the things he wanted to forget, he would see the things he wanted to forget, all he wanted was to forget, so he did everything he could to stop them.


Tony liked missions, it took his mind off things, and he got to help other people and take his mind of what a bed person he was. It was an overseas mission, and everything went as well as it could, and the invasion was done with within the day, but now they all had to fly home, and that worried Tony, because that meant needing to sleep, and he had to share room with someone who didn't like him much, and that someone was the overly attractive.

Captain America.

Tony was sat in a lounge kind of part of the plain, it had booze and that was all he cared about, and after a few glasses of whisky he started to feel his eyes dropping close. It was a tiering battle he wasn't hurt, no of them really were, but it was just draining, epically when he doesn't get enough sleep anyway. So, after downing another drink he got up, stumbling just a little, but that could have been from the fact they were in the air, and began walking to their bedroom. Natasha was rooming with Clint, Thor had just gone home with the spin of his hammer he was off, and Bruce needed some time to himself so he had gone for a small vacation. Because there was only four of the Avengers on the plain it wasn't very big, nothing like the plain Tony would get if he was going somewhere, so he already wasn't happy because it was small, and when he tried to tell Fury he wanted a bigger one and they could just use one of his, he said if they used another one it would stand out too much, and that because Tony was small he should feel right at home - that last comment didn't impress Tony at all, he spent the rest of the day pouting like a child.

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