I Love You Without A Single Letter Disfigurement

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Summary :-: Steve and Tony are dating in high school, but it's a secret relationship and to make things worse, Steve's best friend always bullies Tony for his stutter, but Steve doesn't know and one day he catches them doing it 

Warnings :-: Homophobic language, bullying

Word Count :-: 3595

(I'm from the UK and American school systems confuse me so I'm gonna be basing it off the UK system and if you don't understand it then feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer it)


Closing his book in the school library, Tony sat back in his chair and let his fingers tapping on the table. The bell for his last lesson should be going soon, but he had a free, meaning he had no lessons so he would just stay here. He was glad it was nearly the end of the day and he only had to stay here for another hour because he was tried and had work he wanted to get on with at home. School's WiFi had always been so slow so even trying to look up things on his phone for the work would take more effort than the sleepy seventeen year old had in him right now.

Just as Tony took his glasses of the shrill bell began to ring, three rings and then it would stop, then another two minutes later it would ring again, but the second time it rings after the two minutes slot everyone should be at their lessons and ready to start. As he rubbed his eyes the library door opened and in walked a few people, two of them needing to get a book out for some health and social care lesson, and the other making his way over to Tony.

Steve Rogers, captain of the football team, loved by pupils and teachers, has lots of friends and the best looking boy in school. He had a stunning smile and wonderful eyes, and as he walked over to Tony he couldn't stop the smile that grew on his face as he looked up and saw him walking over to him. 

"Heya, darling." Steve smiled and kissed his cheek as he took a seat next to him.

"H-H-H-" Tony stopped and took a deep breath. "Hey hun-hun-un." He stopped trying to say honey and just went with hun, it sounded cutter anyway.

"Do you wanna come to mine after school? My parents are out and won't be back until next week." He smiled and looked at Tony to see him nodding, a smile also on his face. 

Steve's parents are the old fashioned type, Steve's dad goes away with work and his mother stays home keeping the hours nice and clean, she is a very proud house wife and an even better stay at home mum. But Steve's dad had been given a week's vacation from work, something about winning a bounce trip to some other part of America, Steve really wasn't interest when they told him, the only think he liked was being home alone for the next week so he could spent it with Tony. The both of them needed a break from their parents, so why not spend it together?

"S-Sounds wonder-wonderful." Tony smiled and leaned over and kissed Steve on his cheek before the both of them went back to doing some work, Steve needing to catch up on his English work, and Tony didn't really need to do anything so he went back to reading, the both of them locking hands under the table to keep it out of sight. Neither felt the need to come out, and what with the school still being a little backward thinking - both their parents included in that statement - Tony didn't need the extra bullying, his stutter was enough, and Steve didn't need to be lectured by his parents and set to some summer church camp to get better. It was all very stupid why they couldn't just love one another, but if they had to keep their love a secret they didn't mind because they still had each other. 

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