Pet Sitting (Smut)

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Summary :-: Steve gets an unusual phone call about pet sitting a kitty, but what he got gave him one hell of a shock, but maybe it was a good one...

Warnings :-: Smut - blow jobs, ridding, praise!kink, bondage, slight pet play I guess

Word Count :-: 2100

(Fan art not mine, full credit to artist)


The bell had just rung letting everyone know it was the end of the day, and as Steve walked out the door, saying goodbye to his friends before walking home. As he left the school sight he heard his phone ringing so of course he answered it, his face in a slight frown as the caller ID came up as unknown.

"Hello?" He asked as he kicked a small rock that was on the side walk.

"Hello, is this Steve Rogers?" Spoke a female voice, her voice sounding professional and slightly high pitched. Stern, like she knew what she wanted and she was going to get it, the voice scared Steve just a little so he felt it best to bit his tongue as he was going to answer with some sarcastic comment about who it would be, he was originally going to say 'no, it's Shane Dawson' but he thought the woman might crawl though the phone and bit his head of if he did.

"Speaking." Steve spoke as polity as he could.

"I have a job for you. I'm out of town for the day and I need you to watch my pet for me as I'm gone. I forgot to feed him this morning. Everything is there as well as your money and I've left a key under the plant pot outside the door." She spoke and Steve could here another voice close to her as she spoke, the other voice deep and belonging to a male.

"Okay, that should be fine. If you just text me the address I'll be right over." Steve spoke and then hug up the phone after hearing her say she was on it and then him saying goodbye. Steve then got a text from the same unknown number with the address to the flat he was to look after the pet in.

As he followed the directions he had got of Google maps, he couldn't help but wonder how busy you must be to forget to feed your pet. But he didn't dew on it for too long as he had reached the block of flats, and as he looked up saw he was in the richer part of town. He had only been here once when he was invited to a party. As he got in and walked up to the right door he unlocked it with the key that was under the plant pot just like the lady on the phone had said.

He was told the pets name was Tony and to just call out for him as he would make a sound letting Steve know where he was, but as Tony called out he didn't get a response.

"Tony? Where are you darling?" Steve called out as he walked into the living room, or what he assumed to be the living room, everywhere was every minimalist, meaning there wasn't much in the house. Just a Tv and a red leather couch, a few pictures of what looked to be some expensive art but that was all.

As Steve called out for Tony once last time he heard a whimpering coming from behind the couch, so Steve has assumed that was where he would be, but as he went behind he saw another door, and then heard a much louder whimpering this time so as he opened the door he knew Tony must be in there. Silly kitty must have shut himself in there.

As he opened the door he saw another couch in the middle of a dark-ish room, the only light being from the open door behind Steve. But what gave Steve a big shock was the teenage looking boy - maybe he was in his early twenties - laying on the couch, a few scars on his legs in long lines as if he had been whipped, he had nothing on, not even a pare of boxers, and the room wasn't all that warm. He also had a ball gag around his mouth muffling his speech. His brown eyes matched his brown hair that looked like it needed a wash. As Steve looked at him he saw a pair of brown ears mixed in with his hair. Was this the kitten he was told to look after?

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