Take On The World

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Summary :-: Just say the world, we'll take on the world. Just say your hurt, we'll face the worst

Warnings :-:  Sadness vibes

Word Count :-: 1150

(This band mean the world to me and each on of them are such lovely guys and I miss them so much. I've met some of my best friends at their gigs and I miss them all o much now as well, I wanna cry. And this song means a lot to me, the whole album this song if off does, I've literally got a tattoo of the logo, I love it so much and I've got the lyrics to Bran New written out by the lead singer to get tattooed at some point. The first time I ever heard Take On The Word Josh did a speech about it and I broke down crying because I'm a mess and then on the most recent tour I was with my best friend who I met thanks to this band and we just cried together and it was so beautiful, I miss them so much. Anyways, hope you enjoy this, and if needed tissues will be at the end of the chapter)

(Also that's my photo j took myself at the top and not that you would but don't take it, thanks)


"Just say the world, we'll take on the world." Steve whispered as he looked at Tony who was sat on the top floor of the tower with his feet hanging on the ledge, the wind blowing his messy hair around his face as tears ran down his cheeks, his nose red and his eyes puffy as he looked out at the horizon of the New York City skyline. "Just say the you're hurt, we'll face the worst." Steve spoke as he took a seat next to the hurt billionaire. 

Tony turned to look at Steve, pain in his eyes as he head his hand over the glowing blue light in his chest. He wanted to badly to rip it out and just let go of everything, to no longer wake up and just let death overtake him like she should have all those years ago in the cave.

"I can see, see the pain in your eyes." Steve spoke, placing the pad of his thumb under Tony's eyes, the usual bags he had there now deeper and darker than he had ever seen them, the evidence of Tony not seeping in a while was clear. Steve knew he had nightmares about his past, and about what could happen to the Avengers team, he heard him screaming at night. Steve had nightmares himself, he would often dream about being in the ice once again, and about the war, but he knew it was all in the past and the men who used to hurt him were dead and couldn't hurt him anymore, but Tony couldn't seem to find that barrier. 

"No I won't, I won't pretend to know what you've been though." He spoke softly as he pulled the smaller male into his chest and hugged him softly, moving them both so they were no longer on the ledge of the building and a good few meters away from the edge now.

"You should know that I miss it was me not you." He whispered into is ear. Steve knew they had both been to hell and back, hell they had more than just the scars to prove that, and no one deserves that. 

"And just say the word, we'll take on the world." Steve spoke. "And just say you're hurt, we'll face he worst." Steve knew what it was like to be alone, he had spent a lot of his time alone trying to work things out, trying to get to grips with this new world, trying to understand everything, and he wished he had someone to talk to, and someone to tell him everything would be okay, and then he got Tony who helped him understand all these things, helped him get to grips with the world and helped him understand these new things. But now here he was, watching his Tony breaking down and crying in his arms.

"Nobody knows you, the way that I know you." He whispered, placing two fingers under his chin and lifted his head up to meet his eyes. "Look in my eyes, I will never desert you." He spoke, his blue eyes holding the gaze of the brown one belonging to his love. 

Every day was a fight for the two of them, for Steve it was luring new things about this world, and for Tony sometimes it was just waking up in the morning. The media had never helped the two of them, whenever any of the Avengers did something wrong, they media were on it all across the world calling them horrible things and 'exposing' them as often as they could, and it was a fight, a fight to stay positive.

"And it's the fight, and the fight of out life." Steve spoke, cradling Tony close to him and running his fingers though his hair, soothing the emotion man out of his emotion state and into a more at peace one. "You and I, we were made to thrive." He carried on, Tony wrapping his arms around his neck and lying his face in the crook in his neck. "And I am your future, I am your past, never forget that we were built to last."

Tony let out a sniff at Steve' words. He always had to fear he would leave him, he never felt good enough for him, with his reckless behaviour, and his unpredictableness. 

"Step out of the shadows and into my life, silence the voice that haunt you inside." Steve whispered, kissing Tony's temple and squeezed him harder.

The sun had started to set now, and the lights of NYC shone brightly as the two of them looked out at the horizon.

"Nobody knows you, the way that I know." Tony lifted his head up and looked Steve in the eye now, the tears now having stopped, leaving his eyes red and his cheeked tinted with red as well, both from the tears and the wind. "We'll fight, we'll crawl into the night. Our world, we'll go, with you by my side. The calm, the storm, we'll face it all." 

Tony loved Steve, he loved him so much. He love how he could say a few simple things and he would feel better, he loved how he made him feel so special, he loved how he made him feel like he could take on the world.

"Just say the word, we'll take on the world." Steve spoke for last time and Tony smiled at him, the tears that once ran down his face all dried up as he looked at the love of his life with heart eyes and a smile. 


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