Ain't Nobody Love You Like I Do

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Summary :-: Tony and Steve have broken up, and of course in his heart ached state, Tony looks for comfort in his friend who happens to know the future and how all will play out.

Warnings :-: Angst, jealous!Steve 

Word Count :-: 2165

(This was requested by the lovely SGomezJBieber I hope this is what you had in mind and you like it)


"I can't keep hiding like this, Tony! I don't understand why you don't want the world to see  I love you and you love me! You told me this is twenty eighteen and people don't care if you like guys, but you won't come out and share that love with me! I-I just, I just can't take it anymore." Steve spoke as he packed up his things and left the tower, leaving Tony in a state of shock, tears running down his cheeks as he ran after Steve, but it was too late, he was already on the back of his bike and driving away when he got down to the garage, the last thing.

That day still played in a loop in Tony's mind as he sat in his lab, or lay under one of his beloved cars fixing some minor details in the engine. It played in his mind when he drank his coffee or took on or three too many shots. He heard the sound of Steve walking away every night when he would go to bed. He could feel the cold when he would get into bed without Steve next to him. Or when he was in the kitchen and made another coffee by mistake.

"Tony, this isn't good for your health." Doctor Stephen Strange spoke as he walked down to the lab to see his friend sitting in his workshop with a bottle in his hand, his body not even a little numb as he hadn't drunk enough. With the amount Tony drunk these days it was getting harder for him to get and be drunk now, his head forever filled with memories of things he wished to forget.

"Come on, let's go and get something to eat, some real food and not this fast food rubbish that isn't good for you at all." Stephen spoke as he looked at the few McDonald's wrappers that were lying on the floor.

"I don't wanna." Tony mumbled like small child would, and if he was standing up, Stephen was sure he would have stomped his foot like that of a child.

"I don't care if you don't want to, I'm making you go upstairs and have a shower, put something nice on and come out and have some food with me and if it makes you feel better, I'll be the gentleman and pay for you." Stephen spoke, with his arms crossed and a sturn look on his face.

"Fine." Tony grumbled and got up and did as he was told for the first time in a long time. He dragged his feet just to show how unhappy he was and made his way to his floor and got in the shower, decanting the old and dirty cloths he had been wearing and dropped them to the floor as he stepped into the warm water that washed away the dirt from his body. He then grabbed the body wash Steve told him he smelt nice in and started cleaning himself with it, a few tears threatening to fall from his eyes, but he didn't let them as he began washing his hair, washing the thoughts of Steve away with the soapy water.

Once he was done, dried and cleaned he actually felt a lot better. He didn't dress up, just some jeans and a jumper, and then he and Stephen went to get some dinner together, nothing romantic or anything, but it was the first step in Tony's life to move one.

Over time Tony started to miss Steve less and less. He still cried and pinned for him at night when there was no one there but FRIDAY to make a comment about his state, but he learned to block her out. Stephen had been wonderful to him all this time, and the both of them grew closer and closer, bonding over their egos and inventions.

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