High Flying

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Summary :-: Tony is short and he wanted to give his boyfriend a kiss

Warnings :-: Nothing much

Word Count :-: 703

(This is kinda inspired but the video Jenna Marbles put out a few weeks back saying she was gonna make herself taller)


It was no secret Tony Stark was short, the media made comments about the 'pint-size hero', his team mates would always say how small he was, hell Peter would be taller than him in no time at all, and his ego wouldn't let him be the shortest on the team, so he decided he would change that, he was going to make himself taller, or give the illusion he's taller at last.

"Hey short stuff." Clint commented as Tony walked into the kitchen to get some coffee. Tony didn't answer, he just poured his coffee and left, not bothering to answer him. And it's not like Clint was all that tall himself.

Tony made his way to his work shop, passing Natasha who looked to be on her way to the gym probably to meet Steve and train with him for a little while, leaving Tony most of the day to make something to help his high status. He knew what he was going to do, and he knew it wouldn't take an awful lot of time, after all he's made dozens of suits, and he had also made just boots before, when he first became the hero that is Iron Man and needed to try and fly, maybe if he could find them he could modify them a little and make sure they work again, it had been years since he had used them after all.

Tony spent most of the day screwing and fixing and hammering and welding his old Iron Man boots, having Dumb-E help him test them and then after trial and error a good number of times he had finally got them to hover at a height he needed them too hover at, and then have them touch back down once again.

"Won't be short for long now, Dumb-E." Tony spoke aloud as he put the newly upgraded old Iron Man boots on, and walked, well, stomped back up the stairs.

"J, where's Steve?" Tony asked as he reached the top of the stairs and realised he didn't know where he was going.

"Captain Rogers, is in the living room, Sir." Answered the British voice of the A.I system.

Tony thanked his A.I system and then made his way to the living room and saw Steve standing on the balcony looking out at the sun setting over his new home of New York.

Steve loved looking out at the city, he liked watching the sun go down, and seeing the bright lights of the big city start to show. He felt at peace as he looked at the bright lights, pretending they could be stars, closing his eyes and pretending he was back under the stars in the forties.

"Hey handsome." Tony spoke, pulling Steve out of his thoughts and causing him to turn around.

"Hey, shot stuff." Steve teased, knowing how it would annoy his boyfriend.

"Yeah well not for long." Tony spoke as he hit a button casing the presure in his boots to push him up and have him hover above the ground so he was taller then Steve, looking down at him with a cheeky smile on his face. 

Steve smiled up at him and laughed a little, and then wrapped his arms around Tony's waits and pulled him close, his shines getting a little warm from the flame that was under Tony's feet. Tony for one of the very first time standing up wrapped his arms around Steve's neck and leaned down to give him a kiss, the kiss filled with love and passion as Steve pulled him even closer, running his hands over Tony's back.

"Maybe you should be more tall more often." Steve laughed as the both of them pulled back to catch their breath.

"If you kiss me like that then maybe I will." Tony laughed and pulled Steve back in for another kiss, this one just as filled with love and passion as the last.

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