1. The Masquerade

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Notes: I'm back! This is the first story of the collection. I have ideas of mine, I have ideas from u guys (each and single one of them are credited btw). So if u want to see anything about Supoer Arrow, comment and I'll see what I can do. The world needs a lot of SuperArrow fics and I'm happy to collaborate hahaha.


Chapter Summary: Oliver Queen and Kara Danvers are friends with Barry Allen, but they don't know each other. What happens when Kara visit Earth 1 for the first time and meets someone really interesting and intriguing at her friends' costume party? (Yes, this was inspired by Smallville's episode 6x03 Whiter, where Lex hosts a costume party and Oliver goes as Robin Hood) 


Kara paced around her apartment feeling anxious. She looked through her wardrobe, picking a few outfits and throwing it all around once she tried them on and hated. She thought about the invitation above her bed about a masquerade. It was from her new friend, Barry Allen.

He had visited her Earth by accident and ended helping her with a small problem called Livewire and Silver Banshee. It was weird to know there was another Earth out there, versions of this own Earth with doppelgangers of everyone on it. It was beyond weird. It made her want to do some research and she ended up discovering there were actually 52 Earths out there. Insane right? She asked herself.

But deep down, she was glad she got to meet Barry, someone that had abilities similar as hers (super speed at least), and that was from far away, a place where she knew no one. And this thought only, made her nervous, more than she already was. Barry showed up last week, inviting her to a party, but not any party, a was a costume - masquerade hosted by a friend of his, to charity. And this made her feel nervous because she had literally no idea what to dress as. She also knew no one besides Barry, and according to him, he had a lot of super hero friends, so this was both cool and frightening, she never knew how people would react to her if she did anything that might give her away, who she really was.

- Kara, what... - Alex said as she came in and looked at the mess in Kara's room. – I've been calling you in the kitchen for 15 minutes; you have super hearing and didn't hear me?

- I'm sorry – Kara said as she adjusted her fake glasses – I was distracted...

- I can see that. What happened here?

- I was looking for something I could wear at a party, but I have nothing...

- I can see a lot of clothes from where I stand...

- It's a costume party, a masquerade!

- Oh... I see...

Alex looked thoughtful at Kara, suddenly having an idea.

- We can always shop for something and you can explain me what this is all about.

- It's a good idea... I'm not a fan of costumes, but...

- Says Supergirl!

- I have to wear my suit to save the world, it's totally different!

A few hours later, Alex and Kara had found a store that sold any type of costumes and masks, and were trying to find something Kara actually liked.

- So... This is about that friend of yours that came from another universe while I was gone?

- Yes, Barry invited me. He said he wanted me to meet his other super hero friends, so it was a cool opportunity.

- And can you trust him?

- Well, he helped me. He knows how this life is like, having to hide who you really are, having to wear a suit and a codename to save the day... All of them live like that. I think its cool...

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