Part 1

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A dark silent night, with no person out on the streets but only the moonless sky with those silent wind blowing on the roads. It was one rare day when even a city so lively like Mumbai was mostly empty. There was traffic out there on the roads but this day, even it seemed like just crawling having a lifeless motion. It couldn't be said what the lords where trying to tell, was it the ugly silence before a strom or was it just a time to let people know what Silence could be.

And then there is this girl, lean and tender, beautiful to take every guys eyes out. But there she sat crawled up on the Sofa of her living room. Her tears refusing to stop flowing out of her eyes. Her beautiful face now looking exhausted due to constant crying, her eyes swollen and her weeping voice breaking the eternal silence of the night.

"Shhh... Stop crying plz!! U should know, it was he who wasn't deserving enough to have u. Its his loss, why r u crying ur eyes out over that jerk."
said her best friend taking her in a side hug.

"He said, he never loved me!!" the girl cried again to her besty who was Mukti.

"Come on Aliya... Enough of this crying, There is nothing like love!! U just liked him a bit and misunderstood it as love." said a guy as he sat there sipping his beer along with two more guys, all trying to console Aliya.

"Shut Up Manik.... Just coz u don't believe in Love that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist" cabir showed him a glare asking him to shut up.
If given a choice Manik would hv never been a part of this rubbish discussion. He didn't believe in Love.. all this was just Crap for him. Not that he was forced to be there, but Fab5 meant his life to him. And he just couldn't leave Aliya alone when she needed all of them.

While all of them said something or the other trying to console her, Dhruv sat there silently as always. He was the one most concerned for Aliya, but still the most distant person in the entire conversation.
Nothing worked over her, as she just kept on crying and crying, muttering all the non sense that came into her mind. It was almost 11 in the night and even after hours of consolation, nothing seemed to hv changed in her crying.

Aliya: It must have been me only?? I would not been good enough for him, otherwise he wouldn't hv left me like this. Am I not beautiful enough?? Am I such a bad person that this happened...

Manik: HAVE U LOST IT!!!
Manik immediately shouted at her and stood up as he came near her.

Manik: U r ALIYA.... The most beautiful one, the Diva!! There are guys dying over u and now suddenly, u r doubting urself just bcoz of that Fucking Bastard, who just got his eyes on that revealing girl and got carried away for her..... Are u crazy!!

Though he was right, but his voice worked in the reserve way and she cried even more surrendering to his temper.
Aliya: I was not Beautiful enough for him.. I wasn't good enough. He left me for her, if only I could be as good as her, This wouldn't hv happened!

Manik was trying his best to control his temper while Mukti and Cabir hugged Aliya from each side. He was about to say something when suddenly they heard someone's voice...

" I wouldn't wanna be anybody else, hey"
They looked towards the source of the voice which was the main door, but found no one... as this continued with the sound of guitar chords stumping in a melody as the voice now continued...
[Song: Who Says... by Selena Gomez]
"You made me insecure,
Told me I wasn't good enough.
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough?
I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself.
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else."

No one knew who was the one singing the song, but it seemed that the lyrics clearly depicted what all Aliya has been blabbering all this while. And with this they saw a beautiful girl entering, carrying a guitar in her hands as she walked inside playing and continuing...

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