Chapter 2

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

Ah, I've finally got everything into my dorm room. I had to send several things back to the house because I just don't thing I have the room for it here, but at least I can go home and get it whenever I need it. At least, this time, Shane is off doing his own room and I don't have to listen to his complaining again. I don't think I could handle another day like my moving day back in the United States. He was complaining about everything. It was so bad at one point I nearly told him to not bother coming with me, but I reframed.


I pull my phone out of my pocket and see that the message is from my dad. I quickly open it and my stomach sinks. I'm fine with the first part of him asking if I'm here and if I'm fine. However, he wants me to go to the house tonight for a meal. Wait. He wants me to be there in less than an hour. I'm too tired for that, plus I told myself that I wasn't going to ruin his happiness by going home. I quickly type a reply telling him that Shane and I are too tired to go over right now, but maybe another day.

As soon as I send the message, I turn my phone off and I fall back onto my bed. I want to see my dad but I'm afraid that I'll ruin everything for him. I hope he isn't too mad at me. My mind flashes some images of my family when mom was alive before I fall asleep.


Knock. Knock. Knock.

"HEY, YO!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!" Ming's voice comes booming into my room.

I roll over and try to get out of bed as I'm looking at my phone to see what time it is. Shoot, it is past 8 pm in the evening. Shane and I were going to go meet Ming and Forth tonight to hang out and I'm late.

I jump out of bed and run to the door. I quickly throw open the door as I'm shouting, "SORRY!! I FELL ASLEEP!!"

As soon as the door is open, Ming rushes in to engulf me in a hug bear hug. "YO!! I'VE MISSED YOU!!!"

Shane pushes everyone into the room. "Yes. Let's make all the greetings in the room instead of the hallway."

At the sound of Shane's voice, Ming let's me go and quickly jumps at Shane, engulfing him in a bear hug, now. "P'SHANE!! I FINALLY GET TO MEET YOU!!!"

Shane chuckles, "N'Ming, I'm not going anywhere, so you can let go of me."

I quickly pull Ming off of Shane. What is Ming thinking? This is the first time meeting Shane and he immediately hugs onto him for dear life as if Shane is going to disappear. I guess Ming hasn't changed much in all these years. He is still crazy and childish like always.

Cough. Cough.

Forth steps forward, wais and politely says, "I'm Forth. I know that we met over the video chats, but it is nice to meet you in person, N'Yo and P'Shane."

Shane and I immediately wai back and I quickly chime, "It is nice to finally meet you too."

Shane adds, "Same here. Nice to meet you in person."

Ming suddenly starts bouncing around and chimes, "Let's go out and meet the rest of our friends. P'Park and P'Lam are meeting us at the restaurant and we are late because someone fell asleep."

Ming playfully looks at me like 'I wonder who that was'. I smile and push him towards the door as I quickly grab my keys, phone and wallet. Right before I go to leave, I quickly run into the bathroom and make sure that I don't have bedhead. I don't want to be walking around Thailand with my hair sticking up all over the place. I breath a sigh of relief as my hair is fine.

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