Chapter 4

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Wayo POV

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I rush to the door and open it. I quickly chirp, "Hey Shane. Are you ready for the orientation and to get this school year going?"

Shane shrugs his shoulders. "I guess. I almost feel like I'm going to school forever."

I can't help to let my excitement bubble out as I skip back to my couch and grab my bag. I hope I have everything and I put some bottles of water and some snacks in my bag just in case I get hungry. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm always hungry. Good thing that Shane keeps me exercising all the time or I would probably be as big as a house by now.

As I walk past Shane and head to the door, I ask, "What is going to be our exercise schedule now? Do you want to exercise in the morning or at night? Or, we could do both, but one can be just strictly exercise while the other could be our fight training."

"I think splitting it will be better. Let's wait until we know exactly what our schedules are and then we can decide what are exercise and training schedule will be."

I quickly grab my keys as I say, "Okay." We head out of the dorm and toward our car. My dad is letting us use one of his until my car is delivered from being shipped over from the United States. I can't wait until I can get my baby back. I just hope that she doesn't get too scratched up in the process of being shipped over here.

We grab some breakfast first before we actually go to our freshman orientation. I'm a little nervous. This will be the first time in four years that I haven't had Shane next to me to help protect me if something happens. However, I'm not going to let everyone else know that I'm nervous. I take a deep breath to calm myself and as soon as I exhale, I hold my head up and I walk into the auditorium where all the other freshman and many seniors are at. As I walk down the aisle, a small group of guys grab my attention and quickly shout, "Cutie P'. Over here."

I quickly look around me and I'm the only one standing there. Well, I'm a little confused. I'm not older than them but why are they calling me P'. Still confused, I point my finger to myself and I ask, "Me?"

The whole group says, "YES!!"

I slowly walk over to them, and one of the guys quickly grabs my arm and pulls me down into the seat next to him. I'm still confused. "Why are you calling me P'? I'm a freshman and not an upper classman."

They all gasp, "NO!!!"

I nod my head telling them yes.

Suddenly the guy next to me says, "Hi, I'm Montree and these ladies are Jay, Zee, and Elephant. We are the Fairy Angel gang."

I tentatively say, "I'm Yo."

Before anyone can say anything else, an individual gets up on the stage and begins speaking.


How did this happen? How did I get elected the Moon for my facility? I'm still trying to figure it out. I even told them that I didn't want to do it, but everyone was cheering me on and my seniors wouldn't take no as an answer. Now what am I going to do?

As Shane walks up to me, he nonchalantly asks, "So, how did it go?"

I nearly freak out. "HOW DID IT GO? IS THAT ALL YOU CAN ASK?"

Shane chuckles and teases, "Well, it must not have went too well. Tell me what happened."

I frantically run my hand through my hair and I growl, "I GOT CHOSEN TO BE THE MOON!"

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