Chapter 59

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Just bare with me and I'll get back to the guys shortly.

Mr. Kongthanin POV

I finally got my meeting with the executive and I think things are finally looking up. I heard that my father is getting some help and guidance to run the hospital. However, I was irritated and mad when someone tried to tell me that the hospital was having troubles and wasn't managed correctly. Of course, they were talking about me. How could they even say that? I got the hospital back to a stable place and it was doing just fine under my management. How could anyone say otherwise?

As I continue to look at my documents and my files, I feel my wife's gently hands caress my shoulders. "Honey, what are you so intently looking at? I thought that you were taking a break for a little bit before you started your next big adventure?"

I chuckle and flatly reply, "I took a day off and now I'm back. The only bid adventure that I have is my hospital. I don't want anything else. Just my hospital."

My wife's hands immediately stop, and she hesitantly asks, "You aren't trying to do anything silly, are you. We still aren't allowed to go to the social events and some of our friends are actually avoiding us. I don't want to continue on like this."

As I continue to look through my documents and files, I nonchalantly reply, "Everything will be fine as soon as I get my hospital back and Pha marries that girl."

My wife immediately pulls her hands away from me and slaps the back of my shoulder. "WHAT!! We talked about this! You were not going to force our son into something that he doesn't want, and I've had enough. Pha is currently in a relationship and your parents have approved of it. If you want to continue with this stupid plan of yours, you leave me not choice."

My wife instantly stomps her foot and swirls around. I watch unaffected as she stomps out of my study. Really, what was she thinking. I'm not giving up on my hospital that easily.

I quickly go back to reviewing my information. I really need a good approach to get this executive to help me, but what will it be.


I confidently walk into the restaurant with my head held high and I immediately head for the private dinning room where I'm meeting the executive. I still don't know who I'm meeting because the executive didn't want to release their name and my friend was instructed to not reveal who I was. I guess I should have tried to deal directly with the executive, but too many, right now, are running away from me. I couldn't have my one chance with the executive ruined by them running away also. So, I took the cowardly approach and I hid behind my friend. Well, at least I still have a couple friends left. After the board removed me from my position, most of my friends refuse to talk to me or even be seen with me. UGH! It is very frustrating.

I confidently open the door to the private dining room and I step in. I wonder where the executive is. There is only a woman in here, but I know that the text message said that the executive is here already. Maybe they left to go to the restroom. "Excuse me, when will your boss come back. I don't want to talk to his secretary."

The woman instantly fixes her eyes on me and with a smirk, she replies, "I am the boss and if I had a secretary, the person would probably be a man. Why don't you sit down and try to start over before I get up and walk out of this room."

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