Chapter 58

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Beam POV

Well, we knew that this moment was coming sooner or later, but we were all hoping for later. I can't believe that she found us at the restaurant. I'm hoping that it was just a coincident and nothing else. Oh, mother isn't going to be happy with this at all. She said the other night that she is personally going to deal with Pha's father and I wouldn't be surprised it she decides to take on Pring too.

As we all begin to pull into the mansion, we immediately pop out of our cars and quickly head inside. I suddenly ask, "Should we be calling the engineering gang to come too?"

As Forth rushes along side of me, he replies, "Not yet. Let's get a game plan going and then we will call the necessary people to give them the details. That includes the Fairies."

Oh, I completely forgot about the Fairies. At some point, Yo is planning on bringing the Fairies to the mansion but I don't think we need their chaos right now.

I watch as Yo practically runs through the door and begins calling for his dad. I follow close behind and begin yelling, "Mother!! Mother!! We have a problem!!"

Both my mother and Yo's dad come walking out of the study a little confused. Yo's dad quickly asks, "Son, what is wrong? Why are you here?"

Before either of us can say anything, Pha nearly screams, "Ai'Pring is back and she stopped to talk to me just now. You have to help us! I don't want her anyway near me or N'Yo!!"

Yo snorts, "She only had eyes for P'Pha and she tried to ignore the rest of us. However, I won't lose P'Pha to that witch."

My mother gasps and asks, "N'Pring made it off the mountain? Did she say anything about her family? Did they come back too?"

I calmly answer, "Well, she made it off the mountain, but I don't believe that she came with her family. She told us that she left her mother to take care of her grandparents."

Yo's dad calmly says, "N'Pring's mother was the one that took her to the mountain village to stay with the grandparents because she didn't trust her husband. Her mother thought that the husband would let N'Pring go before she has learned her lesson and changed her ways, but it looks like it didn't matter because the little witch managed to get down off the mountain before she changed anything."

"Not to be rude uncle, but how do you know all of this?" Shane confidently stands looking at Yo's dad like he is wanting some answers. Oh, I applaud him for his courage.

Yo's dad isn't fazed by Shane's attitude at all as he explains. "Let's just say that I have eyes everywhere as soon as I found out that this witch was trying to spoil my son's happiness. Those eyes keep information flowing my direction on a regular basis and that is how I know what is going on. Now let's move past how I know to what we are going to do. First, I think that we need to find out where she is staying. Before you ask why I would say that, I know that her mother isn't going to just let her walk around where ever she feels like it and especially not back at the school after they signed all the paperwork to have her sit out the rest of this school year. What restaurant was it that you saw her at?"

Pha huffs, "We didn't see her, but she saw us, and it was the noodle shop just around the corner from the practice hall."

Yo's dad along with my mother both get their phones out and begin sending several messages to people. We all stare at them and I don't know about the others, but I want to know who they are sending messages to. I do know one thing and that is that the people they are sending messages too are powerful and they will help them without a question.

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