Chapter 14

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  


We are back to the practice hall and I can't be happier. Yo has agreed to let me court him and I think he really likes me, too. He is such a cute and adorable boy, and I just want to hug him and never let him go. Is it too early to ask him to be my boyfriend yet? If I'm right, he likes me and I'm pretty sure that he will say yes but I don't want to scare him away either. I don't want to rush anything. Oh, what should I do?

Reluctantly, I decide to go slow. That is probably for the best. However, my heart wants to jump straight into overdrive and claim Yo as mine, so no one can have him.

I need to calm myself down. I will drive Yo back to his dorm room tonight and I'm not taking no for an answer. I don't care what Shane says. Yo is riding with me tonight.

I need to see him. I can't wait until the practice is over.

I nudge Kit and ask, "Do you want to go watch them practice for a little bit?"

Kit's worried face looks up at me and he nearly shouts, "Yes!"

Kit and I leave Beam, Forth and Shane sitting on the benches as we go stand just right inside the door of the practice hall. My eyes quickly find Yo and a smile burst out onto my face. I love watching him practice. He is just so cute trying to be serious and trying his hardest. I don't know if I want him in this silly competition now or not. I know the competition is the reason why I first saw him, but I don't want other people eyeing him now. I want him all to myself.

I glance over to Kit and he looks so dazed right now. He is like a lovesick fool. He is watching Ming everywhere he goes. I nudge Kit and when he finally tears his eyes off Ming to look at me, I ask, "Did you ask N'Ming to allow you to court him yet?"

Kit's daze look alters a little, reflecting a bit of sadness, but I could also hear the sadness in his voice as he says, "No, not yet. I can't tell whether or not Ming is open to the idea or not yet. I don't want to ruin my chances by asking him before he is ready."

Oh, Kit is getting cold feet. He had the courage to beg Forth, right alongside with me, but now he is getting afraid. He doesn't have anything to lose by asking. Plus, Ming was the one who reached out and touched Kit's face first. It wasn't the other way around and Ming didn't pull his hand away when Kit was holding it. I think that Ming is probably surprised by what he found out today, but I don't think he is totally disgusted or repulsed by it which is a good thing. I think Kit has a good chance with Ming, as long as Kit doesn't give up before he even starts to fight.

I calmly reply, "Ai'Kit, everything seems to be going good at the restaurant. Don't lose hope yet. I think that N'Ming will accept your heart, but he just needs to accept what all this means. I don't think he is like Ai'Forth and has dated both girls and boys. I think he has only dated girls before and has quite a few one-night stands with girls but nothing serious before now.  This is a big step to ask someone like Ai'Ming for a serious relationship when they haven't had many before."

Kit slowly nods his head in agreement, but he doesn't say anything. Did I scare him? Oh, I hope I didn't scare him off.

I watch Kit for any sign of what he is thinking but he isn't showing any emotion now. Let's hope this isn't a bad sign. Finally, he sighs and bashfully says, "He is the one. I have never had this happen and I'm so afraid that I'm going to lose him before I even can get a hold of him. But, I'm so scared that he will reject me. Ai'Pha, what am I going to do if he rejects me. I don't think that I will find anyone that I'm this attracted to again."

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