Chapter 12

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and the much anticipated big meet of all seven guys (don't forget Shane the big protector).  I hope you enjoy it.


What a night so far. First, I watch as Yo hangs off of Forth and tells both Forth and Shane how cool and handsome they both are. While the whole time, I was wishing that Yo would look at me with those loving eyes. I want so desperately to have Yo by my side and I won't lie, but I dreamt last night of Yo beneath me as he moans my name while I make him mine. Yes! All mine!

I'm not going to stop until I have Yo as my boyfriend. In just one day, oh, who am I kidding. In just one minute, Yo has become my life and my world. I live to make Yo happy and to make Yo mine.

Now, Kit and I have Beam's help in trying to get both Ming and Yo for our own. Kit was just as taken by Ming, as I was by Yo. After we rudely interrupted Forth and Beam, we were able to convince Beam to help us with getting Ming and Yo. Beam was a little surprised that Forth had already agreed to help Kit and me in exchange for us helping Forth with Beam. Well, I think Kit and I got the better end of the deal because Beam had already fallen for Forth. Beam was just in denial, but as soon as he was around Forth more, he couldn't fight it anymore. Forth played it just right, too. Now, we have Forth and Beam as an official couple while Kit and I are pining for our other half.

It is break time for the moon and stars and Beam, Kit and I have already gone to the restaurant. We have a large table reserved so the rest of the group can sit at our table when they get here. Kit and I can't control our nerves. We are both fidgeting in our seats and we can't wait to see Ming and Yo up close. I want to hear Yo's pretty voice and I want to look into his beautiful eyes. I want this moment to be perfect because so far, we keep missing each other. I'm hoping that that isn't the case tonight. I want to actually meet, and I want Yo to see me. I'm hoping that I'll be able to see his reaction and I'm hoping that he likes me as much as I like him.

Kit huffs, "Ai'Pha, stop it. You're making me more nervous than I already am."

I quickly look at him and ask, "What?"

Beam scolds, "Tapping your foot. It is making all of us more nervous, so stop it."

I look down and I don't even realize that my foot is tapping away. I didn't even register the sound. Man, I must be really out of it to not even notice. I sigh and apologetically say, "Sorry. I didn't even realize that I'm doing it."

Before I can say anything else, Forth enters the restaurant with Ming, Yo and Shane following close behind. Oh no, this is it. Please, don't let me screw this up. Please. Pretty please, let me get through this looking like Prince Charming.

I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves and then I watch in anticipation as Forth guides the group to our table. As soon as he stops his group in front of our table, I see that Ming and Yo are once again playing around. Neither one has looked up at us and I glance over to Kit and I see that he is also upset with Ming. I'm sure he is just as anxious as I am to meet his future boyfriend, but it isn't going to go well, if these two don't stop goofing around.

Kit and I both clear our throats at the same time trying to get Ming and Yo's attention. I ignore the glare that I'm getting from Shane and I meet Yo's eyes as he slowly looks up from his playful teasing episode with Ming. I can't resist the smile that explodes on my face as Yo's eyes nearly pop out of his head when he looks at me. Yes. This is the reaction I was hoping for. I think I can safely say that Yo likes me and that slight blush that he is doing now is just so cute.

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