Chapter 82

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

By the way, this is the final chapter in this book.  I will putting up a couple epilogues  or bonus chapters but the book is basically done.  I'm so happy to the many readers that have followed me through this book to the very end and have continued to support me.  I love you guys and I can't wait to see you at my next story.

Beam POV

The school year is flying by and we are almost done with this school year. Our examines are just a month away and then we will have a break before our next semester starts.

If you would have asked me at the beginning of this school year what it was going to be like, I would have never dreamt that it would be like this. Forth and I are pretty much living with each other. Either Forth spends the night at my dorm room or I spend the night at his and we both have clothes at the other's room.

We aren't the only ones. Pha and Yo have pretty much done the same thing and I can't believe it when Yo tells me that they still haven't gone all the way. Well, they have pretty much done everything else but that last phase. Yo keeps saying something about waiting until they get married, which I seriously didn't think that they could. I can tell from Pha's expressions that he is hoping that Yo can't hold it any longer and finally agrees. I'm sure that if that happens, Yo won't be able to walk for days because Pha isn't going to stop until he has taken ever last part of Yo's body multiple times.

I can also see that Yo is starting to struggle with it too. I can see him yearning for Pha more and more, but it will only be a matter of time before they cave.

Ming and Kit aren't any better. Well, they are also pretty much living together but Kit finally gave into Ming on PDA. After Ming kept getting stopped by girls, Kit couldn't take it anymore and after that first initial week where Ming was allowed some PDA, Ming kept getting Kit to give in a little more each week. Ming was so sly because he kept using the girls that kept approaching him as an excuse to hug and kiss Kit in public. Kit still won't let Ming grope him, but he is letting Ming kiss him sweetly and tenderly regardless of where they are at.

I have never seen Kit so happy in my life and his parents truly like Ming. Ming even helped Kit's brother, Waii, when he finally told his parents about his boyfriend, Apo. Kit's parents seemed to take it pretty well, and I'm sure that part of it was because Ming was in full support of Waii and Apo.

"Baby, what are you thinking about?"

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Forth. I didn't even realize that I had lost myself in deep thought.

"Oh, sorry, babe. I was just thinking about everything that has happened this past year and all the changes that we have went through."

Forth reaches across the table and tenderly caresses my hand. "I'm really happy about what happened to us this year. You finally stopped running from me and realized that you actually felt something for me."

I slightly blush as I say, "Why was I so stubborn? Why couldn't I see that I had fallen in love with you?"

Forth continues to caress my hand. "You weren't ready, but I'm glad that you finally realized it. I have been in love with you for so long and you have alone completed my perfect world."

Ah, Forth and his sweet talking. I may roll my eyes, but I really love it when he talks like that to me.

I glance around the restaurant which is an expensive one, and I timidly ask, "Baby, why did you want to eat here? It isn't our anniversary or anything."

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