Chapter 39

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Mr. Kongthanin POV (Pha's Father)

I never dreamt in a million years that I have this kind of day. This has been the weirdest day. First, I get a warning from an old friend. Then the board meeting was completely beyond crazy. What will happen next? I'm afraid to even ask, but I do know one thing. I'm not backing down from my arranged marriage with Mr. Wijitan. That is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. There is nothing that is going to change my mind about that.

I just need some time at home to relax and I'll figure out this issue with the board tomorrow.  A good night's sleep will give me a fresh perspective. I'm not going to tell my wife tonight that she can't go to the event this weekend or the event next weekend. I don't want to deal with her right now. If what my friend told me is true, this isn't something I would have thought would happen. Well, it is only a temporary setback. I will get this all resolved soon, and we will once again be on the lists to the most prestigious events and flaunting the fact that we are invited while others aren't.

As I enter the house, my wife hurries to greet me like she always does, but something is different tonight. The way my day has been going, I'm a little afraid to even ask. But, I don't have to ask because she doesn't hold anything back.

"What have you done? I know that you have done something because I was informed today that we have been removed from all future social events unless you change something. The funny thing is that they thought that I knew, but I don't. So, you better tell me now, mister or you will be sleeping on the couch for the rest of our marriage. That is if we are still married. Now, spill it."

Well, this day is just getting better and better. Well, I guess the idea of having a nice quiet evening and getting to bed early just got thrown out the window.

I put my briefcase down and I bluntly reply, "Dear, this is a family matter and those people don't need to be sticking their noses into my business. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it will blow ever soon."

My wife quickly huffs, "Do you even know what they are saying? I had no clue what they were talking about, so I looked like a fool, but I asked. I can't defend you and our family if I don't know what is going on. Well, what a surprise. They told me that you are selling our son off to the highest bidder just to gain some financial benefit and to boost our social status. Do you how stupid that makes us look?"

I'm not dealing with her on this. I made the discussion and it is a very sound decision. No one is going to change my mind.

I calmly reply, "Dear, like I said earlier. This is a family matter and those people don't need to be sticking their noses into my business. Besides, there are a lot of people and families that do arrange marriages for business purposes. I won't be the first and I'm definitely not going to be the last. I'm not doing anything wrong."

My wife's face is beginning to get red and I'm assuming she is getting mad. Her face usually only turns red when she is really mad, and I would say that she is mad.

"You don't call forcing your only son to marry someone that he doesn't like or doesn't even know not doing anything wrong. Well, in my book it is. I'm pretty sure that my parents would see it the same way. Not to mention you are doing it for money and social status. Are you forgetting that it is my parents who helped your dad out with the hospital because I loved you so much?" My wife's face is now burning bright red. Oh, she is really mad. I still don't understand why.

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