Chapter 76

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

I had problems writing it because I kept getting interrupted and my phone has been ringing off the hook.  Then I was irritated with some stuff so it took longer to do than normal.  I hope it make sense and it is a little shorter than usual because my train of thought just won't stay.


"Ai'Pha, why are there so many vultures all of a sudden? I can see them circling every where we go."

I exactly know how he feels. Every time I'm around my baby Yo, there are guys and some girls that just can't take their eyes off of him. I can see them devouring and ravaging him with their eyes, but I thought I had made it clear to the entire student body that Yo is MINE. ALL MINE!!! They should know that I don't even want them ogling my baby, especially when I'm standing right next to him. UGH!!!!

"Ai'Kit, I don't know. The pests should have gotten all the hints that N'Ming and N'Yo are taken and aren't available. What do we have to do?" I glance around the canteen and I see them. Every last one that is thinking naughty thoughts about my baby Yo, and I instantly get irritated.

Forth proudly says, "Show everyone that they are taken. Not just holding hands and wrapping your arm around them. Show everyone by stating it clearly, just like I do with Ai'Beam. There will still be some that dare to try and go up to them, which you can handle with your fist, but 90% will immediately give up."

Kit huffs, "I don't want to be like you and Ai'Beam. You guys nearly hump each other every time you two are together."

The thought of Kit trying to act like Forth and Beam in public just makes my laugh. I just can't imagine it at all. I think what he has been doing is much more like what Kit can handle.

Park says, "Well, we could send out a threat to everyone that N'Ming and N'Yo are to be left alone and anyone not doing that will be punished severely."

Lam jokes, "Just announce that engineering will beat up anyone looking funny or trying to do anything to those two."

I quickly scowl. "I thought the glares and cold voice would do it, but clearly it hasn't."

Kit snorts, "Yeah, I thought what I was doing would work too, but it didn't. What is it with that campus moon title that makes everyone on campus become stupid or crazy. I haven't figured it out. Ai'Pha, how did you handle it last year? I don't remember having this problem."

I bluntly reply, "I usually ignored the fans and the leechers. I was quite rude to the people who would try to get me to sleep with them or do go out with them. I just wasn't interested."

Park jokes, "Hey, maybe N'Ming and N'Yo can be rude, too."

"Why would we be rude?" Yo questions, as him and Ming walk up to us.

I quickly chirp, "Hey, babe."

I hope everyone is watching my baby now. Eat your hearts out people.

I lean forward and give Yo a sweet and tender kiss. Yo immediately blushes slightly and oh, he just couldn't look any more adorable than he does right now.

Ming walks right up to Kit and doesn't even hesitate as he kisses Kit while his hands snake around Kit's waist pulling him closer. When Kit finally breaks the kiss, he slaps Ming's chest. "Ming!!"

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