Chapter 49

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Okay, I normally don't say this but I will with this chapter.  Please don't hate me for Shane's night out with Park and Lam.  This is just how my mind works.  

Shane POV

It has been a long time since I've been alone over the weekend. I think that last time that I didn't have Yo with me for a weekend was before I met Yo. Back then, I was alone most weekends. My friends were usually off doing stuff with their girlfriends and I didn't have anyone special.

I think I forgot how to spend a weekend by myself. Oh, this suck.

Well, Park and Lam did tell me that I can tag along with them at the bar tonight, so I guess I don't have any other option unless I want to sit alone in my room watching TV or studying. Now, who would want to study on a Saturday night. Definitely not me, so I think I've got my answer. I'm going out with Park and Lam. I hope I'm not going to regret this.

Okay, Park and Lam told me that I need to dress nice. Those two have already told me that I'm supposed to help them pick up girls, but I don't know if I want any part of this. Knowing my luck, both Park and Lam will find girls right away and then I'll be stuck at the bar alone. I really hope that doesn't happen.

As I enter the bar, I'm still not sure if this is going to be a good idea or not. I guess it isn't going to hurt anything and I can't back out now. I'm already here.

The place is packed tonight. I can barely make it through the crowd without pushing people. As I shove my way through the crowd, I suddenly hear Park scream, "P'SHANE!! OVER HERE!!!"

I stand on my tiptoes and I glance over the top of the crowd. Yep, they are right where I thought they would be. They are sitting in the corner where we usually sit when the whole gang comes.

I stick my hand up in the air and wave back. I forcefully push my way through and I manage to make it to the table where a few more engineering students are sitting with them. Okay. This should be good. If Park and Lam leave me, I should have at least a few of these engineering students that will still be here to keep me company.

I take my jacket off and Park immediately asks, "Is that what you decided to wear tonight? Are you wanting to get all the girls in the bar or what? I don't think any of us will even have a chance."

Confused, I look at Park and then I look down at my outfit. What is wrong with it?

Still confused, I reply, "What is wrong with what I wore? It is very comfortable and that is why I wore it."

Lam raises an eyebrow. "Well, with that tight shirt and pants, the girls will only be looking at you. The rest of us don't have a chance."

I look down and I insist, "This isn't that tight. Plus, it shouldn't make a difference. If it happens to attract the girls, I will let you guys fight over them. I'm not usually that into one-night stands. I have had a few but usually only when I'm super drunk. I try not to get that drunk, so don't worry. The guys can have all the girls."

One of the other engineering students shouts, "What happens when you get really drunk? Why is it that you only hook-up when you're really drunk?"

My mind instantly flashes back to some of the wild and crazy nights that I had when I was in the United States and I can't help but to chuckle. They were definitely crazy nights. I don't want these guys to see that side of me. Shoot, Yo usually doesn't even see that side of me but when he does, he is always shocked.

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