Chapter 38

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.

Wayo POV

I'm so worried whether this plan is going to work or not. What happens if it doesn't work and Pha is forced to marry Pring. How is my heart going to take it? Will I be able to move on? I don't want to admit it, but I fell hard for Pha. I don't know what I will do if he isn't beside me and in my life. UGH!! I can't keep thinking about this. I'm getting myself all worked up and I don't even know what is going to happen.

"Ai'Yo. Earth to Ai'Yo. Come in, Ai'Yo."

I quickly shake my head and try to clear my mind as I look at Nate who looks really concerned. She softly asks, "Ai'Yo. Are you all right?"

Without thinking, I say, "Oh, I'm just concerned about P'Pha's father and the arranged marriage that he is trying to force P'Pha into."

The whole area is suddenly consumed in a loud ear-piercing screams, "WHAT!!!!! NO!!!!!!"

Shoot, I forgot that the Fairies are here. They aren't going to like this at all. They were so excited when I told them that Pha was my boyfriend. They immediately started to fanboy, oops sorry, fangirl. It was like they were living their dreams through me.

At once they all start to scream:

     "Ai'Cutie, no! You have to stay together with Mr. Hunk of burning love!"

     "No way! What slutty bitch is trying to take your husband away?"

     "The god like man is supposed to stay with the adorable cutie pie!"

     "No! The campus hottie can't go after a stupid girl! No way!"

The Fairies quickly swarm me as they keep protesting this stupid arranged marriage thing. I still can't believe that Pha's father is even thinking that this is a good thing. I'm beginning to believe Pha when he says that his father doesn't care about him, but he is only concerned about status and money. There is no other reason why a parent would do something like this.

Montree quickly asks, "Ai'Cutie, who is the little witch trying to get a hold of your hottie?"

I can't fight it now that they know, so I might as well answer their questions. "P'Pring."

The whole group gasps in horror. Elephant immediately hisses, "That hussy can't get a man on her own, so she has her daddy buy her one. What a total bitch."

Jay continues, "An evil bitch, Ai'Bitch."

Zee quickly focuses back onto me and leans in towards me. "Ai'Cutie, what are you doing to defeat the evil P'Bitch?"

Lowering my eyes to the ground, I explain. "Well, my dad along with my brother's mother are working on one front while Ming's dad is working on another front and both are going after the families. Pha's family is also included in the attack. My brother has implemented a plan for the university directed straight at P'Pring. He thinks it will be really effective."

Jay immediately screams, "Ai'Cutie! When did you find your step-brother? You were supposed to tell us right away! Remember?"

The whole group immediately adds, "Yes!"

I suddenly look up and see that the Fairies all seem irritated with me. Oh, this isn't good. I can't have them mad at me. I quickly tell them everything. "Sorry. Really, I'm sorry. I found out everything in a short period of time and I've been so concerned about this arranged marriage thing with P'Pha that I forgot to tell you about my brother. Okay, here it is. P'Beam is my step-brother but we both agree that we are true brothers. I found out by accident this last weekend when I went to go home to get some boxes the movers took there by accident. Let's just say a lot of things were shocking. I also found out this situation with P'Pha. So now we have quite a number of people helping to stop this stupid marriage and my dad insisted on helping."

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