Chapter 3

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Beam POV

Where are my friends when I need them? Oh yeah, they baled on me. So, I have no other choice but to go home and have dinner with my mother, step-father and my ever so not wanting to meet step-brother. UGH!!!

I wait until about 5 minutes before meal time and I then pull into the huge mansion that is my step-father's house as he like to call it. I still can't believe that my mother married one of the wealthiest men in Thailand and let's not forget one of the most powerful ones, too. I have to admit he is really nice. At sometimes, he is almost too nice, but I'm sure he is trying impress my mother.

I walk into the mansion and I'm immediately pulled to the dining room with the delicious smell of my mother's cooking. She may be an executive during the day, but when she is in the kitchen, she knows how to cook. As delicious smells invade my nose, my mouth begins to immediately water and I can't control myself as I smack my lips in anticipation for the fabulous food.

My mother catches me just as I begin to drool, and she quickly says, "Sit down, Beamie. I guess your brother can't make it. Something about being too tired from the trip and he was going to sleep. So, it is just us and your dad."

What? My step-brother ditches us. Who does he think he is? Does he know how much work my mother put into cooking all of this food? I think I hate him already.

However, I'm glad that I don't have to meet him yet. It is a relief that he did ditch us. Maybe he isn't so bad after all. UGH!!! I don't know!!!

My step-father comes into the room frowning. "Did your mother tell you that my boy, Wayo, can't make it. He is going to sleep. I guess it probably was too much to ask for him to come here right after flying here and moving into the dorms. I guess I will have to stop by tomorrow and make sure that he is settled in all right."

I smile and reply, "Don't forget, freshman orientation is tomorrow so he will be involved in that for a good portion of the day."

My step-father looks confused and then he smiles. "Oh, I keep forgetting that technically he is a freshman even though he already has a degree in business. I keep thinking of him as if he was continuing his business degree by getting his masters here. Instead, he is taking a completely different subject here."

What did he just say? My step-brother already has a business degree. How?

As I sit down to the table and while my mother is placing the last of the food on the table, I hesitantly ask, "Second degree? Isn't he a year younger than me? How is that possible?"

My mother perks up and chimes, "He is a genius and he graduated high-school early, so he had been going to college in the United States and earning his business degree. Ah, since he had his own apartment in the last college, he is living in the apartment style dorms, so he doesn't have to leave over breaks. He said that is what he prefers since that is what he has been doing for the last several years."

Just great! Not only do I have a step-brother that I don't want, I have a genius for a step-brother. How can I compete with that? This whole step-brother thing is getting worse instead of better. Well, at least he is in the apartment style dorms which isn't anywhere near me but Pha lives over there too. I hope I don't run into my step-brother while visiting Pha.

My step-father adds, "I'm sure the two of you will hit off. You will have to look out for him since you are a year ahead of him in school. Don't worry about protecting him though. He brought his best friend from the United States with him who has been protecting my boy over the last four years. From what I understand, he is a really good fighter. He even thought my son to fight and defend himself, but I can't really see that in him. My boy is such a little cutie, how could he be fierce and actually fight someone."

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