Chapter 24

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A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it.  

Wayo POV

Oh, I had the best dream. I dreamt that Pha was in my room last night and he asked me to be his boyfriend. I wish that it was real and not a dream. I really would have loved it if it had actually happened.

Suddenly, a muscular arm is pulling me backwards against a firm body. Did someone sneak into my room? Wait, I smell Pha's scent. Is Pha sleeping with me in my bed?

Pha buries his nose into the crook of my neck and whispers, "Good morning, baby. Or should I say boyfriend?"

"What? Boyfriend?" Was my dream actually real? I don't know what to think now. I will be so happy if it actually is real.

Pha kisses my neck and whispers into my ear, "Yes, baby. You agreed last night to be my boyfriend. Don't you remember?"

I immediately smile and giggle from pure excitement. I quickly mumble, "I thought it was a dream. I didn't think it was real."

Pha nibbles on my neck and huskily whispers, "It was all real, baby. If you need me to demonstrate that kiss again, I'll gladly do it."

At the mention of the kiss, images immediately start flashing through my mind of the passionate kiss that we had last night which instantly makes my body hot, but I'm immediately derailed by the massive headache that begins to throb as I begin to move. I instantly hiss in pain as I rub my forehead trying to ease my pain.

Pha shoots out of the bed and runs to get some painkillers and water. As soon as he has both, he dashes back to me and he helps me sit up. I toss a couple of painkillers in my mouth and I gulp down some water, but I don't want to move anymore. Each time I move, my throbbing head seems to hurt even more. I need to go back to sleep but I need to go to the bathroom first. Pha helps me walk across the room and asks, "Baby, can you get back to the bed by yourself? I want to go get you something to eat."

Well, I may be acting like a baby right now, but I can take care of myself. Pha doesn't need to stay right next to me and at the mention of food, my stomach suddenly growls. I guess my body is screaming at Pha to go get me food.

I softly answer, "I'll be all right. You can go get some food. I think my stomach would really like that."

I slowly close the bathroom door and I hear Pha leave. Even with my throbbing headache and aching body, I manage to do my morning routine, albeit at a very slow pace. As I slowly walk out of the bathroom and I'm shuffling back to my bed, Pha comes back into my dorm room with food. Oh, the food smells so good but I'm afraid my stomach may not be able to handle much. I almost feel like I'm going to get sick, but I need to get something in me, and maybe it will settle down my stomach.

Instead of heading back to the bed, I turn and head for the table. I slowly lower myself down and onto a chair as Pha quickly sets a bottle of water in front of me along with a container or porridge. Oh, I hope this works and I promise myself that I will never drink that much again. Never. Ever. Again.

I slowly begin to eat as Pha watches me closely. I don't know what he is afraid of, but I know that I'm not going to choke on porridge, so he can give it a break. However, I do love him being here and caring for me so much, so I decide to just enjoy the pampering as long as I can get it. I deserve a little pampering after he has ignored me for the last several days.

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